‹ Prequel: Dreamworld
Status: Completed Check out Dreamlove


The Other Grandparents

So after everyone left to go get us some food after asking the nurses and doctors if we could eat real food, we had some alone time until Zacky's wonderful brother came in.

"How come I had to find out I had a niece from your website and a future sister-in-law from Facebook" Matt asked. Zacky just looked down.
"Oh and mom and dad are pissed you didn't tell them" Matt said as Zacky's parents came in.

"Zachary why didn't you tell us about our granddaughter" his mom asked.
"I forgot" Zacky said as he shrugged his shoulders. Gerard and Chelsea were laughing away.
"I wouldn't laugh, don't be shocked if mom and dad come here" I said to Gerard.
"But they knew you guys were preggers" Gerard said.
"But they don't know that their other grandchildren are born" I said to him.
"Shit" Gerard said and pulled out his cell phone.
"Now where is she" Zacky's dad asked. Zacky walked over to her crib while I sat on my butt. He picked her up and walked over to his parents.

"Oh she is so adorable" his mom said.
"want to hold her" Zacky asked.
"Of course I haven't held a baby since" his mom started to say and then thought, "Zina's kids."
"Yeah where is she" Zacky asked.
"She said she'll be here later" his mom said. Zacky nodded.
"Son you are being very rude" his dad said.
"Oh yeah, mom, dad and Matt this is my fiance Stacie Way" Zacky said, "Stacie meet my mom Maria, my dad James and Matt."
"Nice to meet you" I said as a girl came in.
"Zacky" she said.
"Zina" Zacky said hugging her. Two little ones came in.
"Hey Gavin and Gianna" Zacky said.
"Hey Uncle Zacky" they said hugging him and then going over to Matt.
"You must be the girl who has to deal with my brother" She said. I decided to get off my ass and go over to meet them.

"Hey my sister isn't that bad" Gerard said walking into the room.
"She was talking about Zacky" I said laughing.
"I'm Zina" she said holding out her hand.
"I'm Stacie" I said shaking her hand.
"Now, where is my little niece" she asked.
"In your mother's hand" I said. Gerard walked over.
"Do I get to meet the soon to be in laws too" he asked. Chelsea had Edward and was changing him.
"Of course you can and Mikey can too when they come back with FOOD" I said laughing.
"Maria, James, Matt, and Zina this is my older brother Gerard and his wife and my best friend CHelsea and their son who was born yesterday too Edward" I said.
"Nice too meet you" they all said.
"I'm Gavin" a boy said.
"Hi Gavin, I'm Stacie" I siad.
"You are pretty, my Uncle Zacky picked a good one. Now Uncle Matt needs to find a girl like you" Gavin said which caused everyone to laugh. We all talked and I got to know my future parents-in-laws and then Mikey came in.

"Hey it's the rest of the Baker clan" Matt and Brian said.
"Hey Matt two" Matt said.
"Hey Matt one" Matt said.
"Oh this is confusing" I said.
"Fine its Baker and Sanders better" they both said at the same time.
"Yes" I said. Mikey looked confused.
"Mikey, come meet the future in laws" I said. He walked over.
"This is my other brother Mikey" I said, "these are Zacky's parents Maria and James."
"Nice to meet you. Oh speaking of parents. They are flying here and they'll be here tomorrow" Mikey said.
"See Gee you didn't call them in time" I said laughing and then I smelt the food.

"Chinese" I said.
"You bet" Mikey said handing me my food. I sat down on the bed and ate it. They gave Chelsea her meat sticks.
"I got meat on a stick" Chelsea said all happy. Gerard stopped himself from saying anything since there were not 1, not 2, not three, not 4, but six little ears around. We all chatted some more and then Zacky's family left and I loved all the pictures. I went to my laptop as I shoved some Chinese food in my face and uploaded the pictures. I put them in the Lia album and put the one of Zacky, Sophie, Ethan, Lia and I as my new profile picture.

"I love you" Zacky said kissing me.
"I love you too" I said and finished eating my Chinese. Chelsea's meat sticks smelled good. Ever since Lia was in my tummy and she wanted meat, I wanted to try everything.
"Hmm looks like someone isn't going to be a vegetarian any more" Gerard said as I walked over and stole one of Chelsea's meat stick.
"It's delicious" I said as I took a bite.

"Momma" Sophie said.
"Yes dear" I said to her.
"Can we call daddy" she asked me. I nodded and dialed Frank's number.