‹ Prequel: Dreamworld
Status: Completed Check out Dreamlove


Going Overseas

We toured the US now we were going overseas for a little while and then back to America to finish the tour. There has been incidents with Frank and Zacky and I fighting because of it. Now we are all good and we were flying to Sweden. Sophie and Ethan was glad to be on a plane again and I was hoping Lia and Edward wouldn't cry. Our part of the plane was now boarding and as soon as we took off Edward started to cry.

"Gerard, sing to your son" I said as I heard Gerard singing. I looked down at Lia and up at Zacky who was smiling.
"I love it she is so quiet, I just wish those two" I said looking back at Sophie and Ethan who was drawing on a sleeping Frank. Sophie looked at me.
"Us two what, momma" Sophie asked.
"Would have not cried so much" I said. She stuck her tongue out at me and I did the same. She giggled and continued to draw on Frank. I handed Lia to Zacky and took a picture. I went back over and sat down and then felt a skittle hit my head.

"Okay who did that" I asked as I saw Mikey, Alicia and Chelsea laughing.
"No throwing away good candy" I said getting back up and taking the whole bag from them. I sat back down.
"Want some candy" I asked Zacky.
"I would love some" Zacky said. I put one on my tongue and he took it.
"Mhm Stacie flavored" Zacky said.
"Okay, if you guys are going to make out and join the mile high club, I'm taking my goddaughter" Brian said picking Lia up and carrying her to his sit next to Matt and Johnny. Zacky looked at me.

"Thanks Brian for putting that in my head now" Zacky said. I laughed and then I was picked up and carried into the bathroom.
"Don't be too loud" Matt said.
"We'll try not to Dimples, By the way I'm calling you that on stage in Sweden" I said as Zacky shut the door. We joined the Mile High Club quickly since Brian was being an ass saying he had to go to the bathroom. Even thought I kept saying it's occupied and to use the other one, he still kept doing it. So we finished quickly and Zacky was grumpy.

"Brian knows how to ruin the mood" Zacky said.
"Oh well we can just go into his and Johnny's room and do it on his bed later" I said to him.
"I like the way you think" Zacky said kissing me and then we continued to eat Skittles. We were soon landing in Sweden when Edward started to cry again because of the popping. Lia even cried a little bit until I put her binky in and she was done. We got off the plane and everyone was laughing at Frank when he walked through the airport.

"What" He asked us as he turned around. We chuckled more and Sophie and Ethan have never looked so innocent ever. Frank just shook his head and went into the bathroom. We heard a girlish scream coming from the bathroom and we laughed even more.

" Good job" I said kneeling down to high five Sophie and Ethan. They laughed and then they looked around the airport. Fans stopped us and Sophie and Ethan complained they were hungry so Chelsea and Alicia took them to go get food and I went away with them. Everyone ended up escaping and making their way to our buses that had a crib in both of them for the babies. After making sure the wedding stuff made it safely which they did and was put in another closet like on our buses back home. We walked in and they were bigger then our buses in the US. I paused and took a picture of us in Sweden and everyone laughed.

"What, I never been here with my 5 year olds and my 7 month old" I said to them and Zacky shook his head. We got in the bus and we had a driver since Matt didn't want to get confused about the different side of the road. He ended up calling Nana telling her we made it and I yelled HI really loud and I heard her say Hi back and I was a happy camper. I could tell Brian missed Kayla so I told him to call her. He did, in fact Johnny called Lacey too.

"Babe, I'm just here to say I miss you" Zacky said.
"I miss you too" I said as I saw our hotel coming up. They parked the bus and I was the first one out with Sophie and Ethan followed by Zacky. I went up to the front desk.

"Umm reservations for My Chemical Romance and Avenged Sevenfold" I said.
"Ah yes 7 rooms right" she said. I had to think of who was rooming with who; Mikey and Alicia, Gerard, Chelsea and of course Edward, Matt and Ray, Frank, Sophie and Ethan, Brian and Johnny, the new drummer for My Chem and then Zacky and I.
"Yep" I said counting all of that making sure it's right. She handed us the keys and they were all on the same room and Brian and Johnny got the only smoking room and the rest of us got non smoking so that was where we were going to go to have a cigarette. I handed everyone their key and we all went to the elevators. I grabbed onto Zacky hating being on it.

"Your not going to die" Zacky said as I felt the floor stop and then the doors opened to our floor. We all piled out of both of the elevators and made our way to our rooms. I set up the play pen and put Lia in there to sleep since she was already doing that.
"I can't wait until she says her first words" Zacky said.
"I know I can't either" I replied as I put my head on his shoulder. Our room was connected to Brian and Johnny's so we just unlocked the little hatch thing and walked over.

"Your lucky we were doing anything" Johnny said.
"It's not like I've never walked in on Brian beating his meat" I said remembering before he met Kayla. Brian looked down and threw his lighter at me.
"Thanks" I said as I took out a cigarette and lit it, "look Zacky I got a new lighter and it's purple too." Brian glared at me and I put it in my bra.
"Zacky go get it" Brian said.
"Nope" Zacky said pulling me on his lap. Frank and Gerard came in.

"Any one got a light" Gerard asked as Zacky threw his at him. Gerard light his butt and handed it to Frank.
"I would have given you one but Stacie put them in her money makers" Brian said.
"I'm not a whore" I said to him.
"Says your fan base" Brian said. I shook my head and then I felt Zacky's hands down my shirt.
"Zacky not in front of my brother and your hands are cold" I said pulling them out.
"I was trying to get it without you noticing" Zacky said taking a drag and then blowing it out. He looked so hot when he smoked, I loved it. Frank just stared and then we heard Lia crying which caused us to put them out blow out the smoke. I picked her up and she was warm.

"Oh, Lia don't get sick now" I said holding her and trying to get her to stop. Zacky found our little baby thermometer and put it in her ear.
"She has a fever" he said as she continued to cry.
"Go get some ice" I said to him. He nodded and went out with the ice bucket as I held Lia. Sophie and Ethan came in while Zacky had the door open.
"What's wrong with Lia" Ethan asked.
"She has a fever" I said.
"Aw Lia is sick" Sophie said coming over and sitting on the bed. I put Lia in her arms and she held her perfectly. Zacky came back with some ice and I handed Sophie a piece of ice.
"Let her suck on that' I said to Sophie who held it to Lia's lips and Lia started to suck on it. I was worried because we were away from America and we would have to find a hospital here with someone who speaks English. Why couldn't we be in Italy, England, or Germany or something when she got sick. Lia finally fell asleep and I had her in my arms when Sophie threw the ice cube into the sink for it to finish.

"What's wrong" Gerard asked.
"Lia is sick" I said putting her back in her bed.
"Do you have any baby aspirin or something" Gerard asked.
"No, I didn't think to bring it" I said to him.
"I'll be back" he said as Zacky and I looked over at our daughter. We waited a few minutes and Gerard came back in through Johnny and Brian's room with a bottle of baby aspirin. I read the directions and thank god Lia woke up and started to cry. I gave her the amount it said for someone her age and gave Zacky her bottle. She stopped crying and just stared at Zacky and then looked toward me. I walked closer and then she looked back up at Zacky and I. I hope this brings down her fever.

"She'll be fine" Zacky said as she finished her bottle and he burped her. She looked at me with her green eyes and smiled, then she brought her hands up and rubbed her eyes and closed them falling asleep again.
"I hope so" I said yawning and crawling to the bed and falling asleep myself.