Kaleidoscope Life


I flopped onto the couch next to Eric, waiting for everyone else to arrive. Even Fez wasn’t here yet, but I had gotten a ride from school with Eric and Donna.

“So, what’s new, Forman?” I twirled a piece of my hair around my index finger and crossed my legs.

“Well, Laurie’s a slut, Red’s a total hard-ass, and money’s tight.” He sighed and shrugged. “I have a thing for Donna, but I’m too nervous to act on it… Jackie’s a pain, but she’s dating Kelso…”

“Ah, life, she’s wonderful, isn’t she?”

“What about you, Leigh? How’ve you been these past few years?”

“Well, home’s… not home-ish, and school’s a total loss. Fez is a little hard to handle in large doses, I’m finding. I write songs and play music; it keeps the demons at bay.” I picked at my jeans.

“Really? Am I ever gonna get to hear you play?”

I laughed. “Probably not, Forman. I’m very protective of my music and I don’t let just anyone hear it.” He pouted. “Nope, doesn’t work anymore.” I stuck out my tongue and he chuckled, our dynamic still the same as it was in middle school.

All of a sudden, Hyde burst through the basement door, storming through the room and putting chairs around the coffee table. “Whoa, Hyde, what’s up?” Eric questioned, shocked as I was.

“Kelso’s bringing Jackie at four, man, and there is no way in hell I can deal with her for six hours if I’m sober for all of it.” He pulled a lighter out of his pocket. “Circle, now.”

“But… but Hyde, Leighton’s here,” Eric said pointedly.

“What’s a Circle?” I asked; Hyde’s manner and Eric’s reluctance had gotten my interest.

“Do you smoke?”

Eric gasped. “Hyde, no…”

“Cigarettes, no, pot, yeah.”

Eric gasped even louder this time. “Leighton… I’m shocked.”

I laughed. “I’m surprised you smoke, Forman. You’re too much of a goody-goody.”

Hyde laughed and sat down, lighting some incense and pulling a joint from his pocket. He lit it, took a hit, and passed the weed to Eric, who then passed it to me.

“Welcome to the Circle, Leigh,” Hyde said, his voice husky.

“I’m happy to be here,” I said before taking a drag.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fail Circle. I'm sorry I didn't write it better.
Comments would be loved.