Letters From a Soldier

Letter one:Will

Will had been sitting on his bed when his named was called. "Will, you have mail!" He shot right up. Mail? He never gets mail. He walked over to see a package and letter. He started with the letter. Opening it, he read:

Dear Soldier,
I admire you so much for doing what your doing, defending your Country. So, I'm not really sure what to write, but maybe we can talk about each other so we can get to know each other. I'm Rosemary, 18 years old, and just graduated high school. I don't really have plans for anything yet, just live life in the moment. I have brown hair and blue eyes and 5'6". Gosh, this sounds awkward to me, but this is my first letter to a soldier, so I'm not sure what I should write. . . So, how long have you been over seas? How old are you? Is your family proud of you? I guess this could be enough for now.

My mom is making you a blanket and we are sending you packages with stuff we thought would be useful. I hope you like it :)
Your Friend,

Will smiled. He opened the package to see a blanket and some other necessities like deodorant. He leaned over to a buddy next to him and asked for some paper and a pen. He began to write back.

Dear Rose,
It's OK that I call you Rose right? Well, thank you, you make me feel like someones actually thankful that I'm out here. My parents weren't all to thrilled at first, and still somewhat aren't. I'm Will, 19 years old, and i have been here for just almost a year now. I have brown hair and green eyes and bout 6 foot. Tell your mother thank you for the package, i really appreciate it. Well, its not easy here. I'm pretty much out on the front line and it scares the hell out of me most of the time. I'm glad that your writing to me, i think it will help me cope with some of the things I've seen and done here. I'm hoping to be coming home soon. Where are you located? I'm from Texas. If your somewhere around that area, when I come home for a while, maybe I could come thank your family? Well, i guess that's good for now. Take care.
Your Friend

Will got an envelope and wrote the necessary things on it. Only then did he remember he could look on there to see where she was from. But, it was smudged so, he wasn't sure. He gave it back to the mail person and asked them if they could look up who wrote it to him and sent it off.