Status: Work in Progress

Life is a Nightmare



Fear ran through my body as the lights flickered on and off. Wind from outside rattled the old gothic manor I called my home. No voices floated up the stairs, not even the taps from Skylar's nails sounded against the old wooden floors.
The wind blew furiously, leaves danced through the empty streets, tree branches fell towards the ground creating a mess for everyone to see. To my surprise our house still stood.
Downstairs the front door creaked open slowly. My eyes widened as the floor boards creaked.
Each step quickened when the stranger reached the stairs and before I could blink twice my door flew open. A loud high pitched scream escaped my throat, my body turned sharply and I hit the floor. "Em! Relax!" The stranger was a boy. His figure was a black outline as he moved towards the window and brushed the curtains open. My heart relaxed as I gasped for breath. In just a few seconds my eyes adjusted and standing in front of the window was Kevon; my brother.
"How the hell did you get in here? Kev the door was locked! And I'm pretty sure the gate was too." I babbled out. "Your house is old Em, the locks are easy to break."
"Why are you here?"
"I needed to leave home for a bit... Park?" He said quietly. I sighed a little and got up from the floor. "Let me change and do that whole routine. We'll head out in like ten minutes."

Just as promised, ten minutes later Kevon and I were walking down the deserted streets making a fuss about our hair. His phone started blaring Bring Me the Horizon and I felt my heart melt at the sound of Oli's voice.
"So tell me what's going on. What's making you need to leave?" I asked over the music. Kevon opened his mouth to speak but my finger went up, meaning he needed to wait. My hand reached into my back pocket and immediately came back out with a cigarette and a book of matches. "Em..."
"Kev I need a smoke. I'm stressed out and this relaxes me. Now start talking." I snapped. His mouth opened slowly and started with, "They found out... About all the cutting and drinking. My dad got pissed and he started yelling, he wouldn't stop. He... He hit me and that's when I lost it." Kevon's voice shook as he spoke, that never happened. "Kevon..."
"He's a monster Emily. I don't want to go back."
I knew what Kevon was going through. Sure my dad never hit me but everything was always my fault and he was always yelling. Parents misunderstood us, we were outcasts; the weird kids who wore dark clothes, had insanely crazy hair, kept to ourselves and blared music that consisted of only screaming. No one liked us. No one would give a fuck if we disappeared.

An hour later Kevon and I sat on the swings at Memorial Park. The look on his face showed he was uncomfortable being this close to his home, his own personal hell. I took a long drag of my cigarette before staring up at the clouded sky. "Do you ever wish your parents were dead?" I asked quietly. Kevon's jaw dropped and looked at me. "Do you hate your parents that much?" My lungs sucked in more smoke as I stared at my feet. "Emily?" I just shook my head and put out my cigarette.
To our surprise there were actually a few people out tonight. A group of three walked past the swing set with gossip pouring from their mouths. Kevon rambled about the Black Veil Brides concert he went to a week ago but something one of the two boys said caught my attention more. "Did you guys hear about the murders up on Long Time Lane?" I choked on my spit at the news; Long Time Lane never got murders up there unless they were suicides.
Kevon shot a sideways glance at me, his eyebrow raised and my shoulders shrugging in response. I set my feet on the ground and moved towards the group. "Excuse me." I started off quietly. One of the boys flashed a smile at me, his mouth opened just as his friend punched him. "Did you guys say Long Time Lane? Do you know what house?"
"The old gothic manor."
"The one with the gate?" My voice shook a little. "Do you know the people there?"
"I... I used too." I mumbled. The boy in front of me, probably around 5'10", extremely skinny, dressed in skinny jeans and a DC sweatshirt with his black hair teased and crowned in some areas folded me in his arms. His mouth moved towards my ear, his voice dropping to a whisper of the words, "Your parents?" My head nodded as I tried to hold my tears in but alas, they fell from my eyes. Kevon moved over towards the girl in the group of three and began talking with her, digging for as much information as possible.

The night seemed to drag on even longer than it should have. After a few minutes of hanging out with the three strangers one boy left leaving just Neveah and Izzy left with Kevon and I. Deep in the pit of my stomach I felt the horrible feeling I usually get when something bad is about to happen; when someone's life was going to be impacted horribly.
By about two in the morning Izzy, Neveah, Kevon and I were heading over to Neveah's house when three loud noises rattled the silent night. Kevon's head whipped around to face the direction the noises were coming from. My eyes widened when he took off back the way we came. The way that led to his house. "Shit... Kevon wait!" I hated running, and the fact that I smoked made it even worse since my lungs weren't how they should be; but in this case that thought was pushed to the back of my mind and all I could think of was catching up to Kevon.
I didn't look back to see if Izzy or Neveah followed when both Kevon and I stood awestruck in front of his house. Through the windows there was shadow moving, and before we could even take a step the door flew open. There were a few mumbling noises coming from inside and the shadow figure started moving towards the door. Kevon tried to take a step forward, about ready to run in and try to kill whoever was inside but my hand snatched his wrist and yanked him back.
In one night I've lost both my parents and Kevon just lost his, there was no way in hell I'd let Kevon do anything stupid enough to get himself killed. Both Kevon and I inhaled a large breath and held it the best we could, the stranger stood right in front of where we hid and looked every which way. My eyes widened with fear as the shadowed figure put his hands on the bushes and moved even closer. My nails dug in to Kevon's arms as I tried not scream. Whoever the person was moved back and the noise of footsteps running away was the only noise being heard. Besides the police cars in the distance.
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I apologize for the annoyingly slow parts of this, as well as my typos and horrible grammar.
Feedback would be absolutely fantastic♥