Status: Work in Progress

Life is a Nightmare

Running Away From Help


When I pulled my hand off Emily's mouth my head was spinning. It was cold, I could see the bright lights from the cop cars pulling in.
"Emily why did you hold me back? I could have stopped him!"
"Kevon are you crazy?! You would of have been killed!" She yelled. "Does it look like I care? Emily that person killed my parents..." My voice slowly trailed off.
"What happened you guys? Is everything okay?" I looked up to see Neveah standing behind Emily. "No noting is okay..."

As the cops showed up they saw us all standing there, they rushed over and ask me, "Are you guys okay? I could barely even speak. The cop asked again, "Are you guys okay?" Emily spoke up quietly, her voice hardly a whisper, "Both our... "
"Both of our parents died tonight!"
"Please come with us. Miss are you okay?" Neveah answered with a small, "Yes I'm fine... but what's going on?" The cop shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but would you three come with us?
"What about Izzy Kevon?"
"He'll come later. Right now we need to go with them."
As we were walking towards the cop car I told Neveah to come with us.

I remember my heart beating like crazy. I hugged Neveah and said, "I'm sorry for all of this. I never meant for you to get in my mess. I just needed some besides Emily."
"I understand. It's fine. You don't need to be sorry, this is not your fault." She whispered in my ear, "Everything will be okay... I promise." I felt like I could trust her, but I still had my doubts. I mean my parents just died and I'm in the back of a cop car that's very uncomfortable not to mention it was like sitting on a cement seat "Kevon are you okay? I'm here if you need someone to talk to." Emily spoke quietly. "Emm I'm okay." My voice cracked as I tried to keep my tears from falling. It was hard not letting them fall as we got out of the car.
It was freezing outside and when we got in the station it seemed like something was telling me to run. I just ignored it as I took Neveah's hand. She blushed a little.

We were told to sit in the lobby until the could figure out what to do with us. "Emily I'm feeling sick right now?" There was a hint of question in my voice. "Kevon you're not sick, I have the same feeling right now. You'll be fine, this feeling always happens when you get hauled to the station in a cop car."
"Kevon can I ask something?" Neveah interrupted Emily in a soft voice."Yes. Yes you can." She took a deep breath before sighing. "Is there anything I can do to help make anything easier for you?"
"You're helping a lot as it is. You here with me is enough." She look at me quietly before we were interrupted by one of the policemen. "Okay we'll need to take all of you in for questioning about the deaths of Kevon and Emily's parents. So would one of you come with me?" I told Emily and Neveah I would go first. Neveah whispered, "I hope they figure everything out." She kissed my cheek. "I hope so too..." I said with doubt on my face. "Well I will be back." I said as I left Emily and Neveah.

They took to me to this room, the appearance was creeping me out. I didn't know what to think. More then likely they think I killed my parents; for the way I dressed in black skinny jeans with my purple belt and chains, wearing my Suicide Silence t-shirt: that's the outfit of a trouble maker.
When I sat in the chair it was cold with bitterness running up my spine. The man spoke with a deep tone, "Where were you when your parents were killed?"
"I was walking back from the park when I ran into some of my friends; Izzy and Neveah."
"And why were they around there?"
"For the same reason I was there T guess."
"And why were you there Kevon?"
"Well because I was getting stressed at home and needed time to think so me and Emily went to the park. she has similar problems at home." I explained. "Like what kind of problems did you deal with?"
"Well my mom and dad always yell at me. They always came home drunk and loud so I would never be home. I was just sick of it, almost losing my anger on them so I left tonight around 11:11 knowing they wouldn't even notice me not being there.
"Did they ever hit you?"
"No sir." That was a lie. The truth is they have beaten me before. I know that but he doesn't know and it's going to stay that way. "Kevon are you okay?" The officer asked. "Um hello dumb ass my parents were just killed and you're asking that?"
"You don't have to act this way I was just asking."
"And I was just telling you that you're a dumb ass. I'm sick of this shit I'm leaving so whatever. Goodbye."
"Where do you think you're going?!"
"Like I need to tell you!" I yelled while running away.

I ran to Neveah and Emily. Both of them shot up immediately and together they asked, "What's wrong?"
"No time to tell you now. Let's go!" One of the men tried to stop me from leaving, I didn't know what to do but then as a random sudden movement I pushed the cop out of the way and we ran into the dark forest. "Where are we going Kevon?"
"this is just a shortcut to the abandoned building. We can stay there but not for long." In the distance I could hear the voices of the police. The wind hit my face with a punch of coldness. "We're almost there, don't worry we'll be safe." With lost hope" Emily mumbled, "I sure hope so Kevon. I don't want anything else going wrong tonight."
"We're here. Come over this way it's over here... out of the forest just right here."

As we got in the house I held both of their mouths so they wouldn't make a noise. When the cop cars went by the house I checked to make sure they were gone. "I'm sure now we're all in trouble."
"You're the one who took off!"
"Well you came with me didn't you? So there! That means us." I snapped. Neveah said in a confused voice, "Why did you run anyway?"
"I called him a dumb ass because he asked if I was okay and then he made me really upset by just asking things over and over so I was sick of it and that's when I ran out and got you guys. I know where we can stay because I'm sure we can't stay in this house because I'm sure they will check it sooner or later. So let's go."
I held Neveah for a second to warm me up. I kissed her and said, "Thank you for everything." Emily groaned of disgust. "Okay love birds let's get going. Kevon like you said, let's go!"