Killing Two Birds With One Stone

The beginning

Sophia's Pov.

I watch the trees blur by as the car sped down a road that followed the green forest. Greens and browns mixed together to create a mix of beautiful colours. The police officer turned to me smiling and told me we are almost there.

At first I was angry about the move but then I realised I couldn't stay and mourn forever, I should be grateful for the house my adoptive parents left for me. The car slowed down to halt outside a beautiful old house, It was big and spacious and all mine!

I stepped out the car and stared in awe, the two officers who had been told to escort me, helped me carry my measly few boxes of possessions into the long hallway, said goodbye and left me with there number to use in emergency.

I sighed and looked around my house, rolled up my sleeves and began unpacking! It took a while but when it was done I was please with my work, I had settled for a blue theme. I loaded up my laptop and searched for pizza places in the area, after I ordered it I collapsed onto my leather sofa.

10 minutes later the door bell chimed, I grabbed some money and ran in my slippers to the door, opened it and a extremely cute guy was standing there, he handed it over and I paid.

"Hey I'm Seth"

Jacob's Pov.

I was walking down a road talking to myself. I must look like a right idiot. Anyway I don't care I just want to rip his pale stupid sparkling head off of his head and burn it. I want to dance gleefully around the flame laughing like maniac and no one to tell me I can't.

How could he? How could he turn her into a leech into someone who desires blood... I can't even think about it. And to think I might have had a chance, that one went down hill, and now she's all family happy because she's given birth to a monster. Screw her. Screw Him. Screw that!

I threw my head into my hands and didn't notice Seth pass me, guess he's in work. He saw me and grinned, I listened to him talk about a totally hot girl he delivered pizza too, and how he thinks she's the one. He's my mate but I really do not want to listen to him drone on when I feel like my hearts been stabbed with a dagger and burned with fire. I left him a few minutes later and stormed away.

----The Next Day------

My mood still hadn't improved and to get red of this energy i stormed to the cliff and jumped, i landed with triumph in the choppy violent waves. I swam quickly to the shore and saw a petite brown beautiful girl sitting not too far. She didn't seem to notice me as she had earphones plugged in and was engrossed in what she was writing.

The pen danced across the page and her feet tapped in time to the beat of her music. I slowly walked up to her and she looked up and smiled a heart breaking smile, the kind that could make ice melt, The kind that could make a rainy day seem like a sun filled day.

"Hey" Her voice sounded like an angels song
"Hello" Mine sounded coarse in comparison
"What's Your name?"
"Jacob- yours?"

They smiled at each other.