Killing Two Birds With One Stone


Sophia's pov

I just watched as the two boys faces go into shock.

"Everything ok?" I asked

"urghhh yeahh.... i just forgot about.... urrrrrrr..... something. We'll Catch you later?" Jacob said

"sure...." I continued and walked away confused.

suddenly a girl appeared infront of me.

"Hey" she said

"hi?" i replied

"I'm leah clearwater... seths sister. you are?" she smiled

"Sophia Marie nice to meet you"

"lets go get your timetable"

we went to the office and it turned out i had almost all my lessons with leah, apparently i had the others with either seth or jacob.

Jacob's Pov....

I had finally imprinted and i had to share.

"Seriously seth? WTH?" i asked him

"How is it possible...?" he stuttered

"well it has happened in the past but sam thought it wasn't possible..." i replied

"well lets go ask him"
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Alex (JustinBeiberrr2010)