Killing Two Birds With One Stone


Bella's Pov...

"so where you going?" I asked

"no where, just thinking really. You?" she replied

"Beach. wanna come?" I asked

she smiled. "sure"

on the way i got to know sophia much better, she used to live in italy. Volterra. when we finally reached the beach seth was there with jacob. Oh this should be good. Of course being jacobs friend, i wanted her to choose him, but i felt bad for seth.

As we approached the two boys, a look of recognition came upon her face.

"Bella. ahhh and Sophia too! how are you girls?" Seth asked, flirting with sophia

"I'm good" I replied

"Yeahhh Im fine!" Sophia smiled

We talked about something that had happened with my dad.

"Soo... Sophia, what are your parents like?" I asked

"well, its complicated..."

"What you mean?" Jacob asked

"Well..." She sighed "My parents died when i was born so i was adopted when i was 1, and moved to volterra. After that life was strange, i mostly lived by myself. Aro and Heidi (My adoptive parents) were always away. But about 5 months ago these two pale policemen came and told me they had died, they had left a house here for me too. but the strange thing is that when i was moving, i swear i saw them watching me..."

Looks of shock were on our faces....

Jacobs Pov....

WHAT?? her adoptive parents were filthy bloodsuckers?! and i thought i had escaped that madness, I looked at bella and she was in shock, worry in her brown eyes

"Well,,, thats a cool story" seth said first

"Yeah, we were shocked by your amazing story telling," Bella smiled. It then began to slowly rain

"Well, I have housework and homework to do so, I'll see you and jacob at school. Hopefully see you too bella!" She said then walked off.

"Do you think?....," bella asked

"Not possible..." seth said

"well carlisle did say something about Aro and his wife adopting, so they would look normal to the humans when they went about" Bella asked

"Well... maybe you should aske him, maybe its a weird coincidence!" I said

"Maybe... or maybe they faked there death for a reason!"
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thanks for the advicee
much love!