Killing Two Birds With One Stone


Aro's pov.

Heidi was upset again. She missed sophia, I did too, but she had almost found the cullens, that makes it better for her, safer.

We only faked our death, because she was taking too much of our time up, and anyway, heidi felt guilty for killing her original family, so she could have sophia.

Sophia is safe, and thats all that matters, as long as she doesn't get involved with the wolves, but I have heard, that two of them have imprinted on her,

we have recently, to comfort heidi, have sent to of our close friends to keep an eye on her, they look around her age, so they should hopefully become friends.


The next day i went for a walk, and accidently bumped into someone. Deja vu!

"Im sooo sorry"

"It's ok, whats your name?" The girl said

"Sophia, you?"

"jane, and this is felix" she said, pointing to the boy.


"Hello Jane, Felix..."

And then the two peoples eyes widened

Bellas pov....

I was walking with edward, when we saw sophia, talking, to jane and felix, of the volturi!

Alice suddenly, came rushing up to us, and whispered in edwards ear.

they started to walk towards them, and i followed.

"Hello Jane, Felix..."

There eyes, widened.

"Its a pleasure to see you again" Jane falsley smiled then turned to sophia "well Ill se you around" and she hugged her, glaring at us over her shoulder, felix grinned at her, and hugged her also.

They walked off and sophia turned and smiled at us.

" So, you know them?" She asked

"Yeah, were old aqquantances"

"thats nice," she smiled

"yeah..." we all said warily.
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