Status: Complete.


I don't fix cars

“Seabrook?” I asked, my voice muffled from underneath his giant practice bag. . . that he had forgotten at his apartment. I didn't understand how he could forget it and make me go there to drag it down six flights of stairs, into my car, and then to the UC.
“No,” a very familiar and very sexy accent startled me. I couldn’t see him, but I knew who it was. “But I think I’m good enough. You need help there Jenny?”
My knees went weak and I cursed myself for falling so easily for one man. He was one guy for heaven’s sake! “Uh yeah, that would be great,” I laughed nervously, as Seabrook’s bag was lifted from my arms and into the arms of Niklas Hjalmarsson. “Thanks.”
He grinned. “No problem. Come on, he’s out on the ice with Duncs and Sharpie.”
“And not out here helping me,” I grumbled. “How predictable.”
He laughed. “Would you expect anything less?”
Pause. “No.”
We got there and Nik easily threw his bag into the middle of the ice. “Seabs! Mail call!”
“Jesus Jelly, could you be a little more gentle?!” the defense men skated over and slung it over his shoulder. “Thanks Jenny. I feel bad for making you drive all the way out here. You might as well stay for the rest of practice.”
“I live fifteen minutes away.”
“Stay!” Sharp and Kane yelled in unison.
“All right, sheesh, you’re all like a bunch of PMSing women,” I rolled my eyes, sitting down on the bench.
Nik leaned over, a smirk placed on his perfect lips. “I always forget how funny you are.”
“Forget?” I raised my eyebrows.
“You’re never here anymore,” he pouted and I wanted to jump him right then and there.
I smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry. Life has been busy lately.”
“Jelly!” Tazer yelled and he offered up one more smile before going back to practice.


After practice, I went and waited by the locker room doors. First Sharp, then Kane, then Nik, and last and maybe least, Seabrook.
“Why do you take up so much time? You look the same, no matter how long you try and change yourself,” I snorted.
He pushed me playfully. “Ouch, you’re mean Jenny.”
“But you love me.”
“Do you love me?” he asked.
“Of course!” I scoffed.
“What about me?” Sharp asked.
“How could I not Sharpie?”
“Hey now. Why are me and Jelly left out in the cold?” Kaner feigned a hurt expression.
I glanced over at the blond defense men. His eyes were locked into mine almost immediately. He cocked his head to the side just barely, making him even more sexy than normal. “Yeah, what about me?” he asked.
My cheeks burned and I looked ahead to where our cars were parked. “Of course,” I said.
“All right. Later guys,” Kaner waved as he and Sharpie got into his car. They drove off and so did Seabrook. Then it was only me and Nik left.
He got into his car and tried starting it, but it didn’t start. He looked confused as he tried it a few more times. Then he looked hopelessly up at me. “It’s, uh, not working.”
I laughed, leaning on my open car door. “I can see that. Do you know how to fix a car or even tell what’s wrong?”
“I’m going to take that as a no.”
He smiled up at me. “I play hockey, not fix cars.”
I laughed, popping the trunk. “Let’s go. Throw your stuff into the trunk then. I’ll give you a lift back home.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, looking concerned. He looked absolutely adorable when he looked concerned.
“Well I’m not going to leave you to freeze your butt off. Come on. Let’s get a move on Mr. Hockey Star.”
He threw his stuff into the back and got into the car. I sped off and he was perfectly fine with my driving. Whenever I drove any of the other guys, they were crushing the imaginary break. Niklas was just chilling out like I was really going thirty instead of forty eight.
“Left at the next light,” he said.
I took my turn easy so he wouldn’t freak out.
“You know, with your driving, I was expecting more of a NASCAR turn,” he commented lightly. “Right three streets after this one.”
I smirked devilishly. “All righty then,” I said and my next turn was a lot more fun and familiar to me. “Better?”
He nodded an approving nod. “Much better. This house right up here on the left.”
I pulled into the driveway and we both just stared at each other for a second. He liked my driving. I was impressed. “I’ll, uh, help you with your stuff,” I muttered.
We got out and he took his stuff. “You can’t carry my bag. It would crush you like Seabs’ bag almost did.”
I shrugged. “I tried.”
“You did a good job trying.”
I smiled up at him and before I knew it, his lips were pressed firmly against mine. I dropped my keys in the snow and his bag hit the pavement. His hands were against my cold cheeks, and my body pressed against his.
We broke away for breath and we stared at each other. “Was that okay or should I go hide for the rest of my life?” he asked, his forehead touching mine.
“It was better than okay. It was perfect, as cheesy as that sounds.”
“Good,” he whispered. “You want to come in for hot chocolate?” he asked.
“I thought you would never ask,” I smiled and followed him up to the door where we found a present.
There on the porch was a piece of his engine with a note that said: IT’S ABOUT TIME!
“Idiots,” we both murmured.
“It worked I guess,” Niklas laughed. “Do you know how to put that back into my car, by chance?”
“Please, I date hockey players, not fix cars.”