


The cool afternoon breeze greeted Aria as she stepped out of the local coffee shop and onto the busy streets of New York City. The college bound tugged her sweater closer to her body as she sipped her cup of hot coffee, walking down the sidewalk to the crossing light. Tonight, her sister Amanda, who was a college sophomore, decided to have a party for... who knows; and being the lovable sister she was, Amanda made Aria buy last minute things for tonight's occasion.

"She would make me go out and get her shit," Aria thought, rolling her eyes as she was a few feet away from the corner, "But whatever. An opportunity to meet new people, right? Now what did she need again?"

Aria dug through her purse, searching for the her sister's list as her high heels kept clicking against the sidewalk. Suddenly, her body made collision with a middle aged man who was rambling over his cell phone , causing her coffee to spill all over the his dress shirt and tie.

I was trying to to cross the street,
when I tripped and spilled my coffee
on a man who yelled at me,
then he walked off in a hurry

"Oh my god! I'm so, so sorry, uh mister..." Aria glanced down at his suitcase on the concrete, "...Dr. Smith! So sorry!" she rambled.

"You know what kid?! I'm already late for my patient's appointment, and now you had to spill coffee all over my best work attire?! Damnit... WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING," Dr. Smith roared at her before getting back to his phone. Aria stood there frozen in disbelief and a bit of fear.

"Sheila, yes, cancel my appointment today and reschedule it another day," Dr. Smith explained over the phone, distressed, "Yes, apparently I ran into some... difficulties on my way to work," he sneered, glaring at Aria was glaring right back at him. With that, he briskly walked away out of her sight.

"Bitch..." Aria muttered as she turned around to go buy herself another cup of coffee.

Now he's gonna be late for work.
So, he called his secretary,
said to cancel his appointment
with the guy in the lobby


Nick was settled in the uncomfortable seats at the doctor's office for over an hour now. He skimmed through a health magazine, the medicine infomercial on the television screen located at the top corner was getting annoying, and being the only patient currently at the office didn't help at all.

Nick was currently on the phone with one of his college friends, Tony, hoping that it would distract him from the uncomfortable atmosphere of the place.

"Dude, I've been waiting for over an hour in this place. I'm mean, I don't even have to be here. I'm twenty years old, I'm more than capable of taking care of my diabetes." Nick ranted.

"Sorry man, but it's for your own good, am I right?" Nick's eyes rolled at Tony's comment as he chuckled over the receiver, "But anyways, you going to Amanda's party tonight?"

"Nah man, I don't think so. You know how long these appointments ta-"

"Uhm, Mr. Jonas?"

Who's been waiting for a while,
and talking on the phone,
got invited to a party
and thought he couldn't go

Nick looked up at the desk and saw Sheila, his doctor's secretary who was appointing him.

"Hold on, Tony," Nick said as he stood up, "Yes, Sheila?"

"Apparently Dr. Smith had some issues and couldn't make it today, so your appointment is rescheduled for next week." she explained to him.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." he replied, walking out of the office. Once Nick started walking away from the medical building, he returned to his call with Tony.

"On second thought, I think I'll be going to Amanda's party after all."


"Grey Goose, Vodka, Bacardi, check," Aria listed as she looked through the grocery bag full of alcohol, "... And chocolate chip cookies for me, check," She smiled, sipping her decaf.

"Amanda and her friends, plus the alcohol?" Aria laughed, "Can't wait to see that sight ," she thought as she headed home to her sister.

I was planning out my party,
running errands 'round the city,
grocery bags full of alcohol
and chocolate chip cookies

Aria's destination came to a sudden halt. She gasped as soon as she spotted the most amazing dress displayed on a boutique window across the street. To get a closer look at it, she walked across the street. Aria's eyes were glued to the dress, not even noticing the pot hole right in front of her.

"Oof!" she grunted.

Before Aria knew it, her high heel broke, as well as her stance, tripping over the hole in the street. All of her errands would have scattered on the road if it wasn't for the strong pair of arms that caught her.

Saw a dress that was amazing
in the window of a boutique
So I went across the street,
then my heel broke and it threw me

"Woah there! You okay?"

Flustered, Aria's green eyes met up with a pair of beautiful brown eyes. She quickly stood up, smoothing her hair as a sudden blush crept up her cheeks. "Oh my lord, he's gorgeous. she thought before responding.

"Uhm, yeah! I'm fine! You know, a bit of a clutz... ahah..." Aria rambled as she saw the guy's concerned face turn to an amused smile as he let out a laugh.

"Yeah, well, be careful next time. I'm Nick, by the way," he greeted, sticking out his hand.

"Aria," she responded before shaking his hand. Aria couldn't help but feel butterflies creep through her stomach as their hands locked. As Nick felt a warm feeling surge throughout his body.

"Do you uhm," Nick asked as he looked down behind her, "...wanna get some coffee with me?"

Aria followed his gaze to see her second cup of coffee was splattered all over the ground. She giggled and smiled at Nick.


I tried to catch my balance,
but, I was supposed to fall.
It seems that spilling coffee
was no accident at all.


Nick and Aria were all smiles as they walked towards her apartment. During their coffee trip, both realized that they had much in common and quickly became good friends. They both learned much about each other, like how they both were attending Berkeley College, with Nick being a sophomore and Aria being a freshman. She also found out that Nick played guitar and baseball, which made him seem even more attractive. The pair finally reached the front door of the apartment building, and Aria fumbled with her purse to find her keys.

"So..." Nick started, looking down to her, "I'll see you around?" he asked with a gleam of hope.

Aria smiled, "Yeah, I'll see you around." They hugged each other goodbye before Nick trudged down the cement steps. He looked back to find Aria staring right at him. She blushed, biting her bottom lip before waving at him as Nick gave her a lop sided grin.

"Bye," they both murmured to each other before going their separate ways.

So we dance, and we laugh,
and we touch.
Yeah, we dance, and me laugh,
and we touch.


Lights were dimmed all around the room, chatter was heard from left to right, people dancing to the blaring pop music from the sound system, and of course, either a bright red cup or a glass bottle of beer was in everyone's hands.

That was the scene at Amanda's party.

From the very beginning of the party, Amanda had introduced Aria to all of her college friends. Yet, Aria still felt tense and uneasy about everything, since she was a newbie at the whole "college life". Her older sister promised her that she would stick with Aria throughout the whole party... well, that was before Amanda found the Vodka.

So there was Aria, standing awkwardly against the wall, watching people grope each other, drinking the night away. She sighed as she tugged on her dress.

"I'm better off reading some Nicholas Sparks novel in my room," Aria huffed before pushing herself off the wall. She weaved her way through the mass of people, keeping her gaze down and tried to avoid getting sandwiched by grinding strangers.

"Just keep walking, just keep walking..." Aria thought over and over. She suddenly gasped as a calloused hand softly grabbed her forearm.


She turned around only to see those chocolate brown eyes she only saw a few hours ago.

"Nick?" They stared at each other in surprise.

But he's here right now
standing in my house,
funny how it all works out.

"Well, it's great to see you sooner than expected," he laughed, engulfing her in a hug.

"It's great to see you too." Aria she responded hugging him back.

"Is that Armani on him?" She thought, blushing.

"So, how do you know Amanda?"

"Oh! Well, she's m-"

"ARIAAA!!!" They both looked to their left and saw a very tipsy Amanda approach them with a shot glass in hand, "I loooove you, baby sister!!!" she cooed, pinching Aria's cheek before downing the shot. Nick watched in amusement.

"Uhm, Amanda?... How many of those have you had exactly?" Aria questioned, wincing as she rubbed her cheek.

"Like two, three... maybe six!" Amanda giggled uncontrollably, "Ooh! I see you met Nicky! Get em' guuurrrllll!!!" She chanted in their faces as Aria stared at her in disbelief and embarrassment. Nick still watched, amused. The beats from the stereo changed and a new rhythm blasted on.

"Holy shit! I love this song! WOOOOOH!!!" Amanda squealed. And with that, she danced her way goodbye. Aria's eyes followed her sister until she disappeared in the crowd.

Shaking her head, chuckling, Aria bit her lip, "Yeah... like she said, we're sisters," she stated, finally answering his question.

Nick let out a laugh, "Well, I'm glad," Aria shot him a confused face, "If you guys weren't, we wouldn't be here together." Aria smiled looking down as her cheeks turned a light shade of red. He studied her at that moment.

"She's beautiful," he thought. She caught him staring.

"What?" Aria asked with a small smile.

Nick smiled right back and took a hold of her hand, both of them feeling sparks.

"Let's dance."

Gonna party all night
'til the sun comes up
'cause it feels like the world
disappears around us
when we dance, when we laugh,
when we touch."


Both Nick and Aria had smiles planted on their faces as they bumped and grinded together. Aria was faced away from Nick as he was behind her. Their hands were laced as they moved to the music, and the experience kept growing and growing.

Unexpectedly, Aria closed her eyes with a smile, getting lost in the music and rolled her head back, resting it on Nick's shoulder. He turned to look at her and noticed how close their faces were from each other as their cheeks merely brushed against each other.

Every choice we make
and every road we take,
every interaction starts a chain reaction."

Nick suddenly leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on Aria's cheek. She silently gasped in surprise at the warm sensation she abruptly felt as his soft lips made contact with her skin. She craned her neck to look up at him, their faces inches apart.

"You're beautiful," Nick whispered his thought to her.

Aria turned around so that she was fully facing him. She brought her hand up to caress his cheek and Nick slip his hands around her waist, bringing them closer. Their eyes bore into each others, holding infatuation as they stared at each other.

Nick slowly bowed his head down to Aria as she closed her eyes.

We're both affected
when we least expect it,
and then when we touched,
and it all connected.

Every choice we make
and every road we take,
every interaction starts a chain reaction.

We're both affected
when we least expect it,
and then we...

And finally, their lips touched.

When we dance, and we laugh, and we touch."

Electricity jolted throughout Nick's body, and a warm, fuzzy feeling was growing in Aria's stomach as they kissed. Smiling, their lips moved soundly with Aria's arms wrapped around his neck, toying with his curls and Nick drawing small shapes at her sides.

They both reluctantly pulled away, letting their foreheads rest against each other as they stayed in their same position.

Ooh, we touch.

Both of them were smiling like idiots as Nick stared at Aria's green eyes while she stared into his brown ones. The sensation they felt amazing, like no one else was in the room but them.

Aria and Nick leaned into each other to share one final kiss.

Ooh, we touch.
♠ ♠ ♠
My first one-shot... like it? Hate it? Comments make me a happy camper :)
- Kaitlyn