Status: Rest In Peace.

Dear God

I love you so much.

From the way you always smelled of coffee and the cigarettes that you smokes moments before, to your dancing I will miss it all. All the little things you have done for me, like when I ran away from my mom to your house and you saw how upset I was so you went to Taco Bell and got me a taco because you knew how much I love it.

I will always remember sitting in the living room with all the candy I talked my Dad into buying me, event though you ate most of it, and listening to all the stories from when he was a kid, you adding in your comments when he got something wrong. I loved coming over and waking you up because you always got so confused at what I was doing at your house.

Or a few years ago when I insisted that I wanted to slide down the hill that was covered in ice and got a concussion from hitting my head so hard on the ice and all you did was laugh and put in a movie for me to watch with you.

No matter what was wrong you really did make me feel better, when I colored my hair and it turned orange, after getting upset with you when you kept making fun of me I noticed that you really did make me feel better laughing at myself before anyone could laugh at me. I love and miss you so much.

I love the way you acted like a little kid always tinkering with something, or trying to play a play station game so next time you came over you would be able to beat Dane, even though you failed every time.

I will always miss seeing you out front with the red three seated pick up truck, even though Dane now has it. Whenever I see it out front my hear skips a beat because I think that it is you and when I remember that it wont ever be you in that truck again I can feel my stomach go completely cold.

It is so sad to think that I didn’t spend as much time with you as I could and I regret every time Dad asked if I wanted him to pick me up and bring me over and I told him that I didn’t want to go.

I hope you are proud now looking down on me on the things that I am now doing, even though not all of them you will be proud about. I hope you can help me with all the things going on now with my parents, but you know all about that, you are watching over my Dad and I know my Mommy too.

I know you are always with me, the night at the house confirmed it for me, and I know for a fact you know exactly what I am talking about. I am so very grateful for that.

I am so happy that I had you in my life, the man that could say so much with so little words. A hard working husband and father to an amazing Grandfather. You will be forever missed. I love you. -Kara.