Status: Writing

Just Hold Me

Chapter 2

I walked out of class as the bell rang. I stopped mid in the hallway not knowing where to go.
”Hey shorty” Rian stood beside me with the skunk haired guy. ”Need a tour ?” i looked down at my feet. ”If its not a borther.”

”Of course it isnt !” The guy i didnt know that name of exclaimed.” he smiled ”Im Jack by the way”
”Im Sarah, but i guess you know that” he laughed ”Youre right on that”

We started walking trough the halls ”So this is the cafeteria, which we like alot” Rian noted. I laughed.

”Hey man !” A brown haired guy walked up to us. He stopped and looked at me ”Who are you?”
Rian introduced us ”Alex this is Sarah Harrison, Sarah this is Alex Gaskarth” Alex grinned ”Nice to meet you Sarah” he winked and walked into the cafeteria. ”Whats up with his eye ?” my brows knitted together. And they both laughed.

”He was hitting on you.” Jack looked after Alex ”Possibly..You never really know with him” i laughed ”Great.”

”You can sit with us at lunch, if you want ?” Rian smiled showing of a pair of piano like straight teeth. ”Sure” We walked into the cafeteria and sat down beside Alex and a guy with lighter hair then him. ”Guys..” Rian trailed off. ”Zack actually, this is Sarah Harrison.” his eyes scanned my body as Alex's had done. ”Hi” he smiled and looked back down at his food. Okay did he just not like me ore was his food more interesting ?

”Hi..” i mumbled and sat down in between Rian and Jack. ”Can i ask you a personal question ?” Personal, i never liked personal. But i could always say no, right.. ”Sure..” I was unsure but nodded. ”How does it feel to have a vigina ?” he leaned his elbows on the table his hands supporting his chin. They all started laughing ”Uhm..” i looked down. ”I regret it ?” i shrugged and they started to laugh harder. ”Oh god, you fit in so well” Jack slapped his thigh leaning over the round table.

”Im confused..” I looked at Rian for an answer. ”Its..its al..right..He asks every girl see if she's good for..for..the” He choked out between laughter. I smiled placing my long blond hair over my right shoulder.

”So is youre hair all naturel ?” Alex was still leaning his chin in his hands. ”Oh my god, he's going gay on us” Rian started laughing at his own remark. ”What! Im serius !” Alex threw his hands into the air ”Its all naturel Alex.” i smiled running my hand trough my long hair.

”Its pretty..” Jack twinkled his eyes at me, and i laughed ”Sexy” i noted.
”Oh my god ! A girl actually called Jack sexy, today must be his lucky day !” Alex exclaimed laughing. ”For youre info mister, girls do find me extremely good looking” his eyes went to me ”Right Sarah ?” i nodded.

After lunch me and Rian were walking around the rest of the time.
”You should come to band practice” he smiled down at me ”Band practice ? Youre in a band?” i loved band dudes, i somehow had a weak spot for them. Not matter if they sang, played guitar, bass ore drums, it would always work on me. ”Yeah, with Alex, Jack and Zack”
”Wow, i didnt know that. I just thougt you were friends.” he laughed ”No. We started being friends at the start of freshman year. And in Sophomore year we all connected our passion for music, and has been a band ever since.”
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Sorry for the lack of updates! I had a exam today, that i had to do an assigement for. But now i have time to update again :)
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