Epiphanies at Good Samaritan

I did more thinking

I walked home with the weight of apathy dragging behind me. It's lat in May and it's cold like October. My friend Chaz was over. He was hanging out with my sister, Brittney. They're cute together. They weren't dating at the time but they still looked cute. Clarrissa was also there. She was Brittney's best friend.

We all just hangout in the basement for a few hours. It really felt good. It got my mind off of things for a while. We played truth or dare. It was Clarissa's turn. She chose dare. So I dared her to go on MySpace and try to have internet sex with all her friends. It was really funny. Then Chaz started prank calling people. He even pranked called the Operator and tried to have phone sex with her.

Eventually it all was over. I found myself all alone in my bedroom. I started to think of all the things that were making me feel like shit. I looked in my drawer. I found my knife. It the razor-sharp blade started to look friendlier and friendlier. I quickly closed the drawer. I went to bed early that night. I really had no reason to stay awake.

The next day I woke up late. It's really hard to wake up when you can't find something to live for. Like for some people it's their job because they love what they do. For some people it's probably their family or friends. But I was just a worthless piece-of-shit wretch who can't get anything right.

I decided to go for a walk. I did a lot a walking at the time. I just walked all over my town smoking cigarettes and thinking about everything. I decided to call my cousin, Jimbo. I felt like I needed someone to talk to.

"Hello?" Jimbo answered

"Hey, it's me Zach,"

"Hey Zach, what's up?" Jimbo asked.

"Nothing. I just feel like talking to someone," I said.

"Zach, are you okay?" asked Jimbo.

" Why do ask?" i asked.

"It's just that I'm worried about you. I love you. the whole family loves you. Don't take this offensively, but I just want to know if you're safe. Because we all care about you. And remember Marlylin? We don't want to go through losing another one in the family."

We had about an hour long conversation about everything and stuff. He was a very good person to talk to. But eventually we both hung up and I went to do more walking. I walked over to a bridge where the water just sped fast under it. And did more thinking.