Normalcy: Not a Chance

The Truth Comes Out.

Did you ever think that your world could come crashing down on you in a split second? Well, mine did.

“What are you saying? That you guys adopted me?” I yelled at my so called ‘parents’ that I have known for my whole life.

“Well sweetie, when we were in our younger years, we tried and tried for a baby but I just couldn’t get pregnant. So, we decided we would adopt. We found a nice 16 year old girl who had gotten pregnant and who didn’t want the baby. That’s when we adopted you, after you were born I mean.”

“So wait, you are saying that this lady is my biological mom?”

“Yes I am,” said the strange lady who I had just met a few hours before.

“Wait, if you adopted me then you still get to keep me right. I mean I thought since I was given up by her,” I said looking over to the lady, “that I get to stay with you right?”

“Well sweetie,” said my dad, “we signed a contract saying that when you became sixteen that your biological mother would be allowed to contact you, we just thought that it would never happen, or if it did for that matter that it wouldn’t have happen so soon.”

“What?!?! Seriously why would you agree to that? I mean don’t you want me to be your daughter? Your daughter who you raised yourselves? Don’t you want me?” I said as I started to cry.

“Well of course we do sweetie. We love you more than anything in the world. We just thought it would never happen and now we can’t do anything about it. The contract was written by a lawyer and we can’t break it, or else we will go to jail," my non-biological mom said, “We are so sorry Serenity.”

“But hey at least you get to come live with me in Italy. I mean we could I have room for you at my beach house. I have your room set up and everything,” said my apparently real mother.

I can’t believe my world was falling apart. I had just started my sophomore year and now I have to move away with some chick I have never met because she just showed up and said she was my mom? How can I leave behind my school, my family, my hometown, and what about Lucas? Lucas McKnight; the boy that I have known since I was 2 and that I now think he is the guy for me? My life sucks. Big time.

I walked up to my room. I couldn’t stand being in my dining room any longer with those people that I call my family, and that woman who is going to take me halfway across the world away from my best friend. I can’t believe that I am moving. What am I going to say to Lucas? Sorry I can’t come to school tomorrow, I’m moving to Italy with my biological mother because my parents signed a contract way back when saying that she could take me away forever when I turned sixteen or else they will go to jail. Yeah right like that is going to fly by without any questions.

What am I going to do? Well what exactly can I do? I mean I don’t want my parents to go to jail. As much as I hate them right now, I don’t want them to go to jail. I know that there is one thing to do. Pack and move, that’s all I can do.
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