Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't


I was considering going after her when my phone went
“Hello?” I asked
“Hey, it's Lisa” she replied
“How did you get my number ?” I asked
“I asked around” she said
“Oh, ok so what do you want” I asked
“You” she whispered “I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while
“Oh erm sure ?” I stuttered “I live in Maryland”
“I know where you live, I asked about that as well” she giggled
“Right so I will see you later ?”
“Sure babes” she said “Kisses!”
She hung up. I knew Katie wouldn't take me back, I had to try though.

*Katie's Point of View*
I lay on my bed and cried, how could he do this to me ? I thought he loved me, he told me he had. I put my hand on my stomach and began to stroke it softly.
“It's going to be ok baby, I promise” I whispered
I was alone and pregnant, my life had taken such a bad turn I had never planed to be in this situation at the age of 18, I had so much I still wanted to do with my life. I was carrying his Alex's child, I wouldn't have been as upset if we were still together, if he still loved me but he doesn't so I am just going to have deal with that, I don't even know how I am going I to tell him. I was about to drift off to sleep when I realized I hadn't seen my gran for hours, she always came to see me, something wasn't right but I shook it off she would just be late so I drifted off to sleep

I was woken at 4am by the sound of the telephone, I grumbled as I got up to answer it.
“Is this Katie Orr ?” said a deep voice
“Yes, what is it ?” I mumbled
“I am sorry to inform you, but there has been a terrible accident involving your grandmother” said the voice
“What” I was shaking
“Your grandmother had a heart attack” said the voice
I slid onto the ground and began to shake, there was a silence for a long time
“Miss Orr ?” said the man “We need you to come down to the Police Station so that we can go over a few documents and go over her will”
“Of course” I stuttered “I will be there later in the morning”
“Thank you and I am sorry for your loss” he said and hung up

I tried to stand up but I couldn't pull myself up, I had nothing now. I had lost everything, she was the only person in the world I could fully trust and the only person who loved me, she was like the mother I wanted to have. It was times like this that I would have went to Alex, but things have changed. I fell asleep on the floor and woke up again at around about 7 and managed to get to the kitchen where I made myself some coffee so I would stop shaking,I looked in the mirror and could see my eyes were red and puffy. I dragged my body upstairs and went in a shower, they warm water felt good against my cold skin, I got changed and pulled my damp hair into a pony tail before going to speak with the police officers.

I wasn't in there long, I was shown my grandmothers will which said that I got everything, this was a huge surprise. I signed a few forms and left, I hated it in there. I drove home and thought I should phone my parents. It was a short conversation which ended in them hanging up on me because I had received the full inheritance. I decided to do some school work because it was a Sunday, by nine that evening I had written three essays and answered all the questions in my chemistry, physics and biology notes. I had managed to take my mind of everything. I decided to skip dinner and go straight to bed, I pulled on an old tee and managed to drift off to sleep quite quickly, however I woke up an hour later and was sick, this continued for another four hours until my stomach finally managed to settle. When I fell asleep again all I could think about was my gran and my Alex.
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thoughts ?