Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't

Twenty Two

*Eight months later*

*Alex's Point of View*
A lot of things had changed in the past few months, I had eventually told Lisa about Katie being pregnant, she was mad but decided we could still be together. Which wasn't the reaction I was hoping for. We were on tour and I was supposed to be going back tomorrow because the the baby was due next week, I had to admit that I was quite excited about it. I wanted to go home and spend some time with her and the baby.

*Katie's Point of View*
I was standing in the kitchen trying to make myself a cup of tea when I felt a sharp pain and a splash, my water had broke and Alex was still on tour. I hobbled over to the phone clutching my stomach and dialled 911
“Hello, I need an ambulance” I gasped “My baby is coming
“Certainly” replied the woman
I gave her my address and hung up, I dialled Alex's number but I couldn't get a reply, it went straight to voice mail which was strange because he promised me that he would keep his phone on in case of an emergency. I was about to dial Jack when a sharp pain went through my stomach, I began to pant this was unbearable. I phoned Jack but again it went straight to voice mail, I then tried Rian and Zack but the same thing happened. I thought then struck me, what is Lisa turned there phones off so I couldn't call ? The thought of it made me feel sick.

I was about to try again when I heard the ambulance and a knock on my door,
“Get in here” I shouted
Two men walked in my house and helped me to the ambulance, I was in so much pain.
“Take this” said one of the men
I breathed the gas in and It started to numb my pain, but it was still so sore
“Please” I was gasping “You need to phone the father, his number is in my phone, his name is Alex”
I could barley breath
“We will sort that out once we reach the hospital” they both reassured me
Alex needed to be here, with me and this baby, he was only about an hour away so he could make it.
♠ ♠ ♠
guys my laptop broke which has the next like
ten chapters saved on it and i won't be able to post
anymore chapters for a while :(
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