Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't

Twenty Three

*Alex's Point of View*
We had finished out final set and we made our way to the dressing room, I rummaged in my pocket to check if Katie had phoned, but I couldn't find it, which was strange because I could have swore I put it in my pocket.
“Has anyone seen my phone” I asked
“Nope” replied Jack “I can't find mine either”
“Neither can I” said Zack as he rummaged through all of his pockets
“Where the hell has mine gone ?” said Rian
This was strange, all of us had lost our phones
“I need to phone Katie” I replied “I will just use the pay phone outside”
I walked out and bumped into the venue manager
“Mr Gaskarth” he said
“Yeah ?” I replied
“I just received a very urgent call from Maryland Hospital” he said
“What did it say” I stuttered
A miss Katie Orr has gone into labour”
My jaw fell open and I turned and ran back to the dressing room
“Wait, why ?” asked Zack
“It's Katie, she has gone into labour” I shouted
“Holy shit, right Alex I will drive you down and then Zack and Rian and Lisa will come down later” said Jack
“Ok, now go” I shouted and ran to the car
“Good luck” Zack and Rian shouted after me

Jack was speeding as we tried to make it to the hospital before the baby was born
“What if we don't make it ?” I stuttered
“We will” he smiled “You can't doubt my driving skills”
I laughed and then we put on the radio, I was so scared this baby would arrive before I was there. When Jack finally made it a jumped out the car and ran as fast as I could to the maternity ward,
“Katie” I shouted
“Mr Gaskarth ?” asked a nurse
“Yes, where is she ? Has she had the baby ?” I asked and caught my breath
“Not yet, I will take you to her room” she smiled
“Thank you” I replied
“Here she is” said the nurse “I will leave you to it”
“Thanks again” I replied
I stood for a moment before I opened the door, Katie was lying on the bed covered in sweat, there were two doctors with her.
“Alex” she whispered
“It's alright I'm here” I said and walked over to her, I took her hand “Now let's get this baby out”
She smiled at me then let out a shriek
“Come on Katie, just one more big push” said the doctor
She squeezed me hand as she pushed and I heard the sound of a baby crying, Katie let out a sigh.
“Congratulations, you have a baby boy” smiled the doctor as she cut the umbilical cord.
“Do you hear that Katie, we have a beautiful baby boy” I whispered and almost began to cry
“I was scared you wouldn't make it” she whispered and fiddled with my hair
“I would never miss this” I replied and kissed her on the forehead

Katie managed to pull herself up and the nurse handed the baby to her
“Hello baby” she whispered and rocked it
“What a lovely family you are” said the nurse
She looked at me
“Oh we're not together” I mumbled
“Oh” said the nurse
“Do you want to meet your daddy ?” she whispered
She passed our son to me
“Hello” I whispered and began to cry “What will we call him ?”
“I like Josh and Sean” she said
“I like Josh” I smiled at her and then looked at our baby
“Hello Josh” I whispered
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thank you guys for being patient :')
it means a lot to me <3