Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't

Twenty Four

Jack burst through the door
“Where is my nephew or niece” he asked and grinned
Katie laughed and Jack gave her a hug
“Can I ?” he asked
“Sure” she said “His name is Josh”
“Hey little man” Jack said as he picked him up
“Where is Zack and Rian ?” she asked
“We had to leave in quite a rush so they will be coming down later with Lisa in the tour bus” I replied
“Oh” she said “Jack, take Josh for a little wander outside for a minuet”
“Ok” he replied and walked out the door
“I think Lisa turned your phone off” whispered Katie
“Don't be ridiculous” I said
“It's possible” she whispered “She hates me, she hated that I am having your baby, so no Alex I am not being ridiculous”
“When are you getting out ?” I asked
“Tomorrow, why ?” She replied
“Well you will need a lift home and I can stay with you for the first few nights if you like ?” she mumbled
“That would be nice of you” she smiled “Lisa won't like it though”
“Josh is more important to me” he whispered and took my hand
He had that look on his face, he wanted to kiss me but I wouldn't let him. He was leaning closer to me and was about to try it when Jack walked into the room
“Did I interrupted something” Jack asked
“No” said Katie
“Hm ok” he answered and passed Josh back to her
“You look tired, me and Jack can go and I will come back for you tomorrow ?” I asked
“Sure, I could do with a sleep” I smiled
“Bye” I whispered
Bye Alex, bye Jack” she said
“I love you Josh” I smiled

The car journey to my house was pretty short
“Did you kiss her ?” asked Jack
“I would have” I said “If you hadn't came back in”
“I thought you were” he replied “Sorry dude”
“It's fine I am staying with her tomorrow night” I winked
“So what is the plan ?” he asked “Cause she still must have some trust issues with you”
“I don't have a plan and I know” I sighed “I wish I hadn't been stupid, I wish I hadn't met Lisa, I want me,Katie and Josh to be a proper family”
“Then we have some work to do” he grinned