Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't


I woke up before Alex and called my gran, I told her I spent the night at a friends, which wasn't exactly a lie. She said that was ok and she was glad I was alright and that I would be home later once this storm cleared up. I was about to go back to Alex when I heard a knock on the door and a male voice shouting
"Alex! dude let us in" he yelled
"Yeah fuck sake this rain is killing us" shouted another voice
I ran over to Alex who had woken up at the shouting and he practically flew off the couch. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the other room.
"Shut the fuck up guys and give me time" shouted Alex
I pulled on his tee and my shorts and hid under the bed

*Alex’s point of view*
I unlocked the door and was worried in case they found Katie, I didn't like to keep secrets but I wasn't ready to tell them.
"About time" said Jack
"Yeah, sorry about the wait" I answered
"What took you so long anyway ?" asked Zack
"Erm nothing I was just sleeping" I replied
"Ok then" said Rian
They all looked at each other and could tell something was up, they all sat down on the couch.
"So how is this girl you have been telling us about" Jack asked and winked
"Oh erm she is great, yeah fine" I stuttered and turned red
"Holy shit, is she here ?" Jack burst out laughing and the other two looked at each other
"No, shut up Jack, leave it" I stuttered
But before I could do anything he was running around looking for her, I looked over at Rian and Zack and they both shrugged.
"Jack, just leave it" said Zack
He then reappeared with a smug grin on his face, he was followed by Katie who was bright red. I put my head in my hands. Rian was about to say something
"Don't!" I said
All three of them laughed and Katie smiled at me. It was a surprise that Zack stood up and talked first
"You must be cold" he said to Katie "Sit down here"
"Thanks" she stuttered
So she sat down next to Rian and Zack put the blanket over her
"So where did you find her, Jack ?" asked Rian
"Under the bed" replied Jack
"Jeez Alex don't you know how to treat a lady ?" laughed Rian
"I’m sorry Katie" I said
"I should think so" she replied jokingly " The rain has stopped so I think I should go"
"Erm ok, I will see you tomorrow then ?" I replied
"If your lucky" she winked at me then gathered her stuff
"It was nice to meet you all" she smiled. She has the most amazing smile.
She walked towards the door and Lent down to kiss me
"I love you" she whispered
"I love you too" I whispered back

After she left I really got it.
"You got laid didn't you" shouted Jack with a huge smile on his face
"Fuck off" I jokingly replied
"But you did didn't you ?" asked Rian
"What difference would it make if I did or didn't" I snapped
"Whoa, calm down we were just messing" said Jack
"Yeah I know, I’m sorry and I have a new song" I said
"It better be good" said Zack

We all laughed and picked up our instruments, I handed out the music that I had printed. All three of them scanned the notes and nodded
"It's about Katie isn't it" asked Jack
"Shut up and let's play" I replied and winked

*Katie’s point of view*
When I finally got home my gran was happy to see me, my sister wasn't. She was jealous that I was dating Alex and that he chose me over her, she would always drop comments about how she was going to 'get me back' but I would always laugh it off.
"There is a party on Saturday night, you in ?" she said
I was quite surprised, she never invited me anywhere, I was seen as an embarrassment to her
"Erm sure" I stuttered "Where is it ?"
"The woods" she smiled
I simply nodded and walked upstairs to my room, I dumped all my stuff on the bed and got out my treasure box, which had all my memories in it. I rummaged through it until I found the picture I had of me and Alex at the lake. I kissed it and put it back. I lay down on my bed and happiness consumed me.