Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't


It was Monday and I had French first, so I walked into the class with my head down so no one would see the bruises and stitches on my face, I wasn't that popular and no one really talked to me so I managed to avoid any stares and shocked faces. Maths and break were very similar. It was music next and I was so worried, I felt like I was going to be sick. It didn't help when Alex sent me a text

Alex: I haven't heard from you in a while are you ok ?
p.s I love you ! <3

This was going to be hard, but I had to do it so that he would be safe, I would kill myself if he ever got hurt, I wouldn't be able to cope. The bell rang and I jumped, I had to pull myself together and tell him straight. I walked into class with my head down and sat down in my normal seat, I heard him come in and he was talking to Jack, Rian and Zack. He sat down and leaned in to kiss me, I pulled back.
"What's wrong ?" he asked "Have I upset you ?"
I couldn't look at him, he couldn't see my face like this. I didn't answer his question and I sat in silence
"Go over your notes from last lesson class" said Mr Mac "I will be back shortly"
As soon as he left, Alex turned to me, but I still sat in silence. Everyone around us was talking and gossiping
"Katie, just look at me" he begged
I turned around and looked right at him. He just stared
"It's over Alex" I whispered trying not to cry in front of everyone
"Who did this" he stuttered
"Your not listening to me" I said "I can't let you get hurt so I’m going to end it before something bad happens"
"Something bad has already happened" he murmured
There was a short silence until he finally spoke again,
"I love you" he finally said
Once Mr Mac came back in the period flew by. When music was finished I went to the sickbay and they called my gran, as I waited I cried.

*Alex's Point of view*
I had really fucked this up. God I am so fucking stupid. When I looked at her face in music it destroyed me that someone had hurt her, that some fucking touched her. I was bunking English cause I couldn't think my head was so confused. She said it was over cause she didn't want me to get hurt, this must mean it was some jealous bunch of girls. I was just so fucking angry, I walked all the way from the school to the club house and just started to play.
It was about an hour later that I received a text from Jack

Jack: Where the fuck were you last period ?

Alex: I bunked off

Jack: Jeez you could of told us, where are you ?

Alex: At the club house

Jack: We are coming to see you, cause I can tell something is up

Alex: Ok then I will seen you later

Rian walked in first followed by Jack then Zack.
"So what's up dude ?" asked Rian
"It's Katie” I said
"She isn't pregnant is she?" asked Zack
"No" I replied
"That's a relief” they all said
"Did you not see her face today ?" I asked them
"No ? Should we have ?" asked Jack
"She was covered in bruises and stitches !" I practically yelled
They all looked at each other and there faces had all turned white with shock, I just put my head in my hands.
"Is she ok ? What happened ?” asked Zack
"I don't know” I mumbled "she broke up with me"
That really shocked them. I explained what she said and what I thought about it. They were speechless and Jack kept saying how he was going to kill the pricks that did this. They asked if I wanted to play and so we started to play "Weightless" and it helped get my anger out.