Status: Active :)



Have you ever had a moment where you look back and think to yourself, if you had seen it before hand; you would have changed the future? That’s what Ophelia Wilson is feeling; her arms in front of her, in shock of the blood. She turned her head gradually, as her chest was frantically moved up and down, towards her mother. There her mother’s blonde hair was seen, but her face was in the air bag: there was no movement coming from her mother.

“M-mom?” whimpered Ophelia, her hands were shaking uncontrollable. Her heart was pounding against her chest as she waited for her mother to reply. Nothing moved, just the swaying of her mother’s blonde hair to the wind.

The seating belt was digging into her skin as she reached for her cell phone in her skinny jeans. The seat belt was tight making it hard to breathe and to get out. Ophelia knew what she had to do: call 911. She pressed the buttons leaving some blood on it; she didn’t care about that this very moment. The line was ringing; she lightly bit her finger nails as she whispered, “Pick up. Come on, pick up!”

Her dark brown eyes glanced back at her mother’s laying body, not moved an inch from her position. “Hello, this is 9-1-1; what is your emergency?” a woman questioned on the other line.

“P-please help us,” was all that came into her mind; her breathing was heavy as her fingers tucked at the seat belt, not letting her out of the seat.

“What’s going on?” the woman asked again, waiting for her to reply.

“I was in a car accident. A guy cut in front of my mother, and she ran off the road. We hit a telephone poll,” Ophelia explained, her hands are sweaty as she pushed her hair back, “We are on Rose Ave. North, next to Peter’s Park; hurry my mother isn’t moving!”

Not a tear streamed down her face, as she told the woman what to do. But, it was too late. Her mother had died that day: you must know that Ophelia isn’t the type of girl to cry in a sad, romantic movie or something ridicules. She is a strong girl not letting anyone hurt her. But, this wasn’t something ridicules though, that night she cried, she cried into her pillow not wanting her father know how much she missed her mother. She didn’t want him to worry about her.

That night, she never wanted to speak again. Ophelia became a mute not wanting to talk to anyone about her feelings, for she knew that once someone came into her life: they would go away. The feeling began to bottle up inside her: her father knew that she wasn’t handling their loss pretty good, neither was he, so he made the decision of living somewhere else. That place is Lima, Ohio.
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