Vegas Skies


She laid there in her bed, watching pointless shows on TV. Sprawled out across the bed, she cuddled up in the sheets and flipped the channel, settling on a show about wedding design. Ever since she was little, she had always loved weddings.

The episode they were showing today was about a bride who wanted a ‘underwater’ themed wedding, complete with a thirty foot fish tank. The wedding planner did the best he could to help her narrow down her perfect wedding vision, and tried to come up with something a little more, what’s the word…. sane?

Following the fish tank fiasco episode was another one about a Vegas style wedding, minus the Elvis impersonator preacher of course. The bride wanted all of her bridesmaids to wear a black dress and wanted show girls at the reception. The groom was totally okay with this, as long as they didn’t actually have to go to Las Vegas for the wedding. He said that the last time he was there he had lost a quarter of a million dollars and wasn’t going to take the risk of losing his bride there too.

She obliged and they ended up having a beautiful wedding ceremony and crazy, very Vegas themed reception afterwards in the state of New Jersey.

She was taken out of her trance when the door to her bedroom was flung open. A huge smile spread across her cheeks.

“Brian!” She squealed, still staying under the covers of her bed.

He gave her his signature sideways smirk and shut the door to their room behind him, walking over to her, leaning down to capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.

“God, I’ve miss you Brooklyn,” He said, pulling away to press another kiss to her forehead.

“You were gone for what? Six hours?” Brooklyn giggled, reaching for the remote she had tossed on to the middle of the bed.

Brian kicked off his shoes on her side of the bed and proceeded in crawling over her to the middle of the bed, laying there sprawled out in his clothes.

She smiled, scooting closer to him and cuddling up against his side.

“Did ya have fun at least?”

He snorted and laughed. “Management meetings are always fun.”

“What’d they do this time?” She asked, fully knowing that Johnny and Jimmy had done something stupid again. It’s happened every time they’ve had a management meeting since the band had started.

“Jimmy threw Johnny on his back and told everyone that he was his gnome backpack.” Brooklyn started laughing next to her Brian. “That’s not even half of it!” He exclaimed. “Then Jimmy ran around with Johnny on his back.”

“Oh god,” Brooklyn snorted. “I wish I was there.”

Brian smiled, rolling himself on to his side while Brooklyn stayed cuddled up in to his side. “Trust me babe, when this tour starts, you’ll see more shit than I’ve ever told you,” He promised, pecking her lips lightly.

She sighed contently and curled back up under the covers to her spot where she was laying before Brian came home. He rolled off the other side of the bed and quickly changed out of his jeans in to a pair of basketball shorts, yelling at Brooklyn every time he caught her staring at him.

Her excuse was that she had a very hot boyfriend and just couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.

He retorted by climbing back in to bed with her and tickling her sides.

After their tickle fit, Brian crawled under the covers with Brooklyn, pulling her close to him. She loved that he liked to cuddle with her.

“What are we watching?” He asked, now realizing that the TV was on.

“Wedding shows,” She announced proudly.

“Are you planning something?” He asked, raising a brow at her.

Playfully she smacked his chest. “No!”

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with you planning a wedding with another man!”


“I’m kidding babe,” He chuckled, sloppily kissing the corner of her mouth.

“Sure you were,” She pouted, turning the volume back up.

This time, the episode was about another Vegas themed wedding, but it wasn’t the same one as before. This one was held in Las Vegas itself at the Palms Hotel and Casino in the middle of the casino floor.

“What if we had our wedding in the middle of the casino?” Brooklyn asked.

Her and Brian had talked about getting engaged before, but there was never much to it. The idea was just sort of tossed around since Brian’s band mate and best friend, Matt, had gotten engaged to a girl he met in middle school.

“It’d be really loud,” Brian chuckled. “Those slot machines are pretty fuckin’ annoying too.”

“Right,” She nodded. “I forgot you’re a black jack man.”

“You just like them because they’re shiny and colorful.”

“Nothing wrong with that!”

“Never said there was.”

They settled back in to a comfortable silence and continued to watch the episode. The whole time, Brooklyn wasn’t really paying attention to what was on the screen. She was more focused on thinking about a wedding in Vegas and how badly she wanted one.

More importantly, she wanted to get married to Brian in Vegas.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked, wrapping his arms around her midsection, pulling her back in to his chest and kissing her neck lightly.

She hated how he could read her like an open book some times.

“A wedding,” She sighed.


“A Vegas wedding,” She corrected, twisting around in his arms so that she was facing him now; their noses touching each other.

“Are you asking me to marry you?” He asked with a cocky smile.

A shit-eaten grin was plastered on her face as she nodded vigorously.

“Marry me in Vegas Brian Elwin Haner Jr.?”

“Of course,” He smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips.