Status: slowly active

Love Hate Sex Pain


“Maya, Where’s my beer?!” her lovely boyfriend yelled. She sighed as she washed the dishes. Not saying anything would get her into trouble but she didn’t care one bit. She heard his loud boots against the floor. “Did you fucking hear me?” he said now pissed off.

“Yes I did but I thought you were capable of getting off your ass and get yourself one because they are in the fridge like always.” She said in a monotone.

“Why are you always such a bitch?” he asked opening his ice cold beer. “Never mind I don’t want to hear your explanation.” He said and walked back to watching the Steelers game. Maya sighed again; she was looking forward to getting out of the house tomorrow night. Being with her closest friend for her twenty-first birthday was all she wanted.

It was eight the next night and she now was showered staring at her closet for some sort of sexy clothes. A towel still wrapped around her, she pulled out a blue dress, turning 21 only happens once. Maya curled her hair and only put on mascara with a bit of eyeliner for a natural look. After a final overview in the mirror Maya heard her cell phone ring. “Purple?” she smiled.


“Hey Kara I’ll be down in a minuet. We’ll go out to eat and then go out on the town!”

“Sounds great Maya! Are you dressed sexy Missy?” Maya heard her best friend over the phone.

“Ha-ha you know it.” She hung up grabbed her black heels and headed for the door. Maya sighed as she looked back at her apartment. Her boyfriend was yet again out with his friends and never even acknowledges the fact it was her birthday. Finally, she left for her night out.

The two girls went to a nice French restaurant ordering some ratatouille and dessert crepes. Discussing their events of the past week, the girls paid the bill making their way out to the nearest club. Making their way north they spotted what looks like a good place to go to. Getting up to the door the security guard stopped the two women. “Can I see some ID’s please?” he asked.

“Sure thing,” Maya said pulling out hers and Kara’s ID’s. The security guard smirked and let them inside the overcrowding club. “Maya let’s go get a table and I’ll get the drinks.” Kara yelled over the loud music.

Maya sat down at a small booth after Kara took her order of poison. Waiting on the drink she couldn't help but feel a stare, looking up she saw a group of men around her age. One caught her eye; he had a few beauty marks on his face, brown hair and brown eyes. He gave her a smile but all Maya could do was blush and look away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Maya's dress

First chapter it's kind of a teaser. Comments?