Status: slowly active

Love Hate Sex Pain


When Kara came back with the drinks she noticed the group of men across the way. “Are those some of the blackhawks?” she asked.

“The who?” Maya questioned, taking a swig of her Sam Adams.

“Oh come on Maya, “ Kara rolled her eyes. “You know Chicago’s NHL team. They just won the stanley cup?” Kara asked her.

Maya just shook her head, the two girls started to check out attractive men. Maya may not be single but she can still look. “Look at Mr. forsted tips. Really, that is such a ‘90’s look.” A now buzzed Kara complained while Maya just laughed.

“Excuse me, miss?” Maya turned looking at the bartender.

“Yes?” she asked.

“That man across the way says to enjoy your next drink.” He said as he set down the alcholic beverage.

Maya denied the bartender, “Please tell him I am flattered but I am also not interested.” She said sweetly. The bartender took the drink and went back to the table that gave her it. “Maya are you crazy?”

“What? I have a boyfriend and he may not be the best but I’m not going to stoop to his level an cheat on him.” Maya explained.

“It isn’t cheating if a hot guy sends you a drink, especially if that hot guy is Jonathan Toews.” Kara protested.

“Whatever Kara…” mummlbed Maya and chugged the rest of her beer.

As Maya went to the dance floor she saw her friend trying to pick up men but wasn’t doing a good job. She laughed at this and continued to dance; Maya then felt a pair of warm hands on her hips.

“I didn’t mean to offend you by sending the drink.” He said close to her ear. His hot breath sent shivers down her spine. Not even Steve made that happen.

Maya turned to the gorgeous man before her, “It isn’t that I took offense but I am not single. I would have felt as if I’d be leading you on.”

“Well maybe I just want a friendship with a beautiful woman.” He said pulling her closer as they danced.

“No man wants just a friendship with a ‘beautiful’ woman.” She laughed.

“I’m Jon.” He smiled.

“Maya, and yes I know who you are. My friend Kara informed me earlier.” She said.

Just like that she felt his arms being ripped away from her hips. “What the fuck are you doing MAYA?” yelled her boyfriend.

“Steve leave him alone, we were just dancing!” she yelled.

She saw the fire in his hazel eyes get bigger with jelousy, “I let you go out with your friend and your practically Fucking a random dude on the dance floor.” He yelled getting so close to her face that she felt his spit.

“I was not!” she yelled as he pulled her by the arm. Kara had no idea what was going on, she wasn’t even in the same room.

“Dude let her go, we were just talking.” Said Jon

“I don’t fucking care. Don’t come near her again.” Steve yelled now getting in Jon’s face. Sharpie, Kaner, Seabs and Hossa were standing just incase a fight errupted.

“Your hurting me steve.” Maya whimpered.

“Maybe if you actually move I wouldn’t be hurting you.” Jon saw the hurt in Maya’s eyes and all he wanted to do was help her. Before he noticed that he thought she’d just be a one night stand but that was deffinatley out of the question.

As he stared down the boyfriend Jon gave Maya a sympathy look. He was hoping this wouldn’t be the last time he would see her.
♠ ♠ ♠
another short and sweet chapter. I was bored at work and made a quickie lol.
