Status: slowly active

Love Hate Sex Pain


Maya couldn’t help but reminisce of her night with Jon. She knew she had been cutting it close with her stunts of sneaking around to see me but she knew he was all worth it. After she finished scheduling some more patients she looked at the clock and knew it was now the weekend again. The weeks since that night have flown by so fast it was like it never happened; oh but it did.

After catching the bus home Maya looked at her phone for any text messages. Jon was a road trip and they wouldn’t be able to see each other until the following Wednesday. There wasn’t anything new; changing into her yoga pants and a hoodie she decided to cook a quick dinner before Steve came home. Turning on the oven she decided to pop in a fifteen minuet Lasagna. “MAYA!” she heard Steve yell and slam the door. “What the fuck is going on!?” he screamed getting in her face.

“What are you talking about?” she said acting confused. This was the first time Maya has ever shown fear towards Steve and he was feeding off of it.

“What am I talking about? Huh” he huffed. Steve backed off and started to clap his hands back and forth while pacing. “I’m going to tell you a story, okay.” Maya nodded her head.

“I have this friend who has been doing some research for me and I found out today that for the past, oh I don’t know two months almost, that my girlfriend is fucking a good for nothing cock sucking hockey player. That is what I am FUCKING talking about!” He screamed as he slammed his fist right into the cabinet above Maya’s head. She flinched away closing her eyes not wanting to see the look on Steve’s face. “I know you’re screwing behind my back but I would of thought it would be somebody who could actually take me on.” He laughed cynically.

“Steve…I…I haven’t cheated on you we are just friends. We meet for lunch on my break every once in a while.” She explained hoping he would believe somewhat of her truth. Steve turned around facing Maya with a beat red face and steam blowing out his ears. “Don’t you dare fucking lie to me.” He said between his gritted teeth. “If I ever hear of you having ‘lunch’ with him again, he is going to be dead.” Steve warned.

“You are way in over your head Steve Castillo!” Maya yelled.

At that moment is when she least expected Steve to do what he had done. One good hard hit was all it took. Maya knew he was capable but she never thought he would actually take the chance to hit her. “Don’t ever fucking talk back you cunt.” He said grabbing a beer and walking away. Maya stood there stunned her hand holding the place where he punched her. If he did it once she knew he would again, Maya also believed that whatever he was planning against Jon she needed to keep him safe.

Back at work Maya was able to cover up the horrific bruise with a heavy make up. As the day progressed the less she wanted to go home. She wanted to talk to Jon so much to tell him everything that has happened and how he needed to stay away from her. Sure Steve would hurt Jon badly but Steve's’ crew was nothing compared to Jon and the team. Steve was the only physically fit person worth fighting. All the rest would be easy with one punch. As Maya locked up the office her phone rang. “Hello?” she answered sounding tired.

“MAYA! I miss you.” Jon said. Just hearing his voice made her smile.

“I miss you too, but Jon there is something-“

“Look straight ahead.” He said.

As Maya looked across the busy crosswalk, she saw Jon standing there with a smile on his face. Not even thinking of the consequences Maya ran into his arms holding onto him so tightly. “Miss me that much I see.” He laughed rubbing her back.

“Jon can we go to your place… I… We need to talk a-about something.” Maya said stammering over her words. Jon nodded his head and they started their way over.

It took less than twenty minuets to walk to his place. “Go ahead and have a seat I’m going to get us some water.” Maya sighed and headed to the bathroom. She not only knew she needed to show Jon her face but she had too. Cleaning the make up from her face she pushed her hair in front of her eyes to hide it so he wouldn’t get startled. “So what did you want to talk about?” he asked not even looking up yet.

“Well…there is no easy way to put this but…uh…Steve knows. I didn’t tell him or anything but one of his buddies saw us and then he had them spy…on…me…” she explained. Jon waited for her too finish her sentence. “And so he wants us to not be friends anymore. I have to agree too because Jon it is for your safety.” She explained grabbing a hold of his hands praying he is listening thoroughly to her. Jon took his free hand and brushed the hair out of her face and that is when he saw the green and yellow bruise around her eye and cheek. “What the fuck?” Jon whispered gently rubbing his thumb over her bruise.

“Oh it is nothing, I slipped down the stairs and I…”

“You what caught your fall with his fist! You are not going back there!”

“No Jon I am because If I don’t he will…” she stopped herself short.

“He will what Maya?”

“He will kill you.” She said quickly walking out his front door without looking back.
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Comments? Seriously, I would really greatly appreciate more comments. I feel like I'm not getting much feed back and I like to read what you guys think.