My New Dad Hunts Ghost


Zak’s POV


“So you study in the book for the classes and take the test online,” the home school coordinator explained.

“Simple enough,” Tracy nodded.

“Yeah and we give you only two classes at a time and at the end of 6 weeks you bring the books back and you’ll get more.”

“Cool,” I nodded as she gave Tracy a few books to leave with.

“Also the teacher of those classes’ names and contact information is inside in case you need help.”

“Ok,” Tracy muttered before pushing open the door with one hand.

“So you excited?” I asked unsure of what to say.

“About school?” She cocked an eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

“I don’t know some people might find, school work… exciting,” she chuckled at my response and shook her head as she got into the car.

We headed to ‘Best Buy’.

“Where are we going?”

“To get you a lap top, if you have to have one for school I can’t have you hogging my computer,” I joked she wore a big smile and started bouncing in her seat.

“Really?” She squealed.

Couple things about Tracy changed over the last few days. First, the nightmares almost completely stopped, they aren’t every night anymore, she’s more cheery, I think because the nightmares are gone, and she’s more comfortable, I didn’t notice it before but she was kind of withdrawn and now she’s completely a part of the family it seems. One thing that hasn’t changed:

“Zak?” Yep she still wasn’t calling me dad, it kind of bothered me.

“Yeah?” I asked parking the car in the mall parking lot.

“Can I get a purple one?” She wore a wide smile that showed her teeth, did I mention she was smiling more? I chuckled at her.

“Sure, whatever you want,” we got out and headed towards the store. Tracy tugged me along; apparently I was walking too slowly for her. Chuckling we made our way to the laptops and her smile seemed to get bigger, if possible.

“There’s a purple one!” She nearly screamed in my ear, Jesus.

“Can I help you?” A girl in her twenties asked, it’s better than the last time we came and the guy got flirty.

“Yes we would like to buy that,” Tracy pointed to the purple laptop. We I bought the laptop and we made our way to the truck and Tracy was bouncing in place.

“Can you calm down?” I chuckled when I got a no in response.

We pulled up to the driveway and Tracy couldn’t get out of the car fast enough leaving her books behind but making sure her laptop was inside. Shaking my head I brought her school stuff in.

“You forgot these,” I said as I placed them at the foot of her bed where she was already starting up her laptop.

“It’s still early so you could start your work today,” I said before leaving.

“Aw that’s no fair.”

“Sure it is,” I yelled from the kitchen as I got something to drink.

Tracy’s POV

It’s been a couple hours since I got my laptop so I decided to listen to my dad Zak and do some work. Grabbing my sociology book I decided it was nice enough to read by the pool today, looking at the clock I saw it was 10 am, wow early.

“Where you going?” Zak asked from his spot on the couch.

“Outside to read,” I held up the big book. “Happy?”

“Very,” he smiled before going back to whatever he was watching.

I shook my head at him before exiting the house.

20 Minutes Later

The book was in laid on my legs which were crossed on the pool chair when all of a sudden I noticed a shadow blocking my sunlight.

“What the fuc-“ I looked up to see a very hot guy, looked to be about 17 or 18 standing over me with a smirk on his face.

“Who are you?” my tone changed from pissed to curious in a second and the boy’s smirk widens noticing the tone change.

“Hi I’m Kevin.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Look in the character’s page if you hadn’t already, it has a picture of Kevin. Today I get to watch Ghost Adventures reruns today! I missed Fridays episode because, well, family drama, grrr. Don’t you just hate family sometimes?! Also I wrote this from under a rock (Doctor_Who) >.< I love comments, they cheer me up when I feel down, like I do right now *hint hint*. Alsoread this please: White Roses For Mary I know I shouldn't have made it but I couldn't help myself.
-Love Neche