My New Dad Hunts Ghost


Tracy’s POV

“So can you hang out today?” I looked over at my dad and walked towards him.

“Dad, Claire wants to know if I can hang out today.” He nodded.

“He said yeah,” I said into my cell phone as I went back to the kitchen and continued to peel my orange.

“Cool, you ready?”


“I’ll pick you up in 10.”

“Kay see ya,” I said.

“Bye,” I hung up and sat down to eat my orange.

I had hung out with Claire and the group a few more times since Kevin and mines date and have grown close to them. Claire still didn’t know who my dad is and I felt guilty. I plan to tell her soon, and then I plan to figure out what Kevin and I were then tell my dad. I didn’t like lying to him.

Everything had been fine between us; I wasn’t even scared of him anymore and pretty much had no nightmares about anything; not even my old foster homes.

Once I finished my snack I got up and looked for my shoes.

“Tracy,” I looked up and saw my dad walk back into the living room.

“What?” I asked as I took a seat to slip on my shoes I had just found.

“I gotta go meet the guys soon about some GAC stuff so take your key in case you get home before me,” I nodded.

“Will do,” I smiled.

Zak had been meeting a lot with them lately and I knew it was a matter of time before he went back on the road to shoot the show. That worried me a lot. What would I do with him gone? Did he trust me by myself? How long would he be gone at a time?

A million thoughts ran through my head but I shoved them away knowing when the time came he’d talk to me about it.

A horn was heard as soon as I stood back up and waved at Zak while making my way to the door.

“See ya later,” I called behind me.

“Bye,” he called as I rushed to the car and got in.

“So what are we doing today?” I asked looking over at Claire.

“We’re gonna head over to mine to hang out and plan some things…” she smirked.

“What things?” I cocked a brow at her.

“You’ll see,” she shrugged.

I grew worried yet excited at the same time to what “things” could be but didn’t say another word as we made our way to hers.
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Random filler :D I’m happy bcuz she’s over that fear crap and I like where it’s heading. Kevin will be in the next and I’m excited for the “things” that are going to happen ;).

The next couple will be fillers too but semi-important I guess. Mainly just to slow the story down a bit. I like how it’s progressing though; I finally feel like it’s going the pace I want it and I’m happy. Hope you are too.
Comment and tell me if I’m going to fast or slow?! Or just right…?