My New Dad Hunts Ghost


We stopped at this antique store.

"I hope you don't mind but I like to go here it adds to the "Gothic" theme I got going with the house?"

"Sure I like your theme," she smiled before jumping out of the car.

When we got inside some salesman who looked about 16 with zits all over his face. I noticed when Tracy would look around he would look at her boobs, I'm going to kill this kid.

"Hey kid?" His eyes snapped to me as I cracked my knuckles, his eyes got wide. "How about you keep the eyes above my daughter's neckline before I kill you." I smiled.

"O-Okay," he stuttered nervously.

I heard Tracy chuckle.

"So umm what are you looking for?" He asked I looked over at Tracy who just shrugged.

"How about a mirror?" He suggested.

"Sure," she muttered.

"Do you have a type in mind?"

"There are different types?" I asked shocked. He just nodded. "Well we want one that reflects for sure." I heard Tracy giggled at the side of me. I loved her laugh even if I only heard it a few times now. I smiled at the sound of it.

"Well they all reflect so just pick one that looks cool." Just then Tracy walked away from us towards a dusty light brown wooden framed mirror that was attached to the same color dresser.

"I want this one," she whispered in awe as she reached out to touch it.

"Okay," I smiled.

I put the mirror in the truck carefully.

"Wow you’re strong," she muttered.

"Yes thank you I feel it's important for my dangerous line of work,” I smiled.

"Oh of course it must be dangerous fighting with something you can't physically hit." She smiled as she got in the truck. Smartass! I smiled to myself as i got into the truck next to her.

Tracy's POV

We went to the mall and I went to Sephora in JC Penny's. I needed make-up. I got foundation, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, and an eye lash curler.

"What the hell is that?" Zak asked alarmed.

"An eyelash curler." I chuckled.

"It looks like a torture device." I chuckled at him.

Zak's POV

We didn't get home until dark Tracy looked like I felt, exhausted.

We got her clothes, shoes, make-up, a mirror, a phone, and an IPod.

"I'm too tired to cook, do you want me to grab us a pizza or something?"

"Yeah, that’d be nice," she smiled I returned it. I love her smile.

"Okay I'll be right back." As I walked out the door she grabbed my arm, I turned to look at her.

"Zak thanks for everything." I smiled.

"You welcome." Then I walked to the truck.
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