My New Dad Hunts Ghost

1 Week

Tracy's POV

"You know you have to go back,"

I look up at my dad like he was insane.

"I wanna stay with you," I nearly cried.

"It's not your time."

Zak's POV

"One week?" I screamed. "But I need help now! My daughter-"

"I'm sorry but I can come in a week." The priest apoligized.

"Fine," I sighed.

Tracy's POV

"Why is it so fucking bright?"

"Tracy! Your up!" Zak cried.

"Yeah, you owe me a hundred buck."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back! Haha Tragically i- k no singing. yesterday was my dads 3rd anniversary and the day before i saw Red Hot Chili Peppers live and got a drumstick. Mixed feelings...