Open Arms

Comfort (2/3)

(Spencer Smith’s P.O.V)

The way the lightning lights up the world just right. The way the wind howls perfectly and drags the leaves and other debris down the flooding streets, making them seem so much like dancers in their own little play. The way the thunder booms in a rhythmic way, adding music to the drama being acted out in front of me. I love storms. It is 3:38in the morning and I really should be sleeping considering we started recording our new album tomorrow but since when do I ever do the smart thing? Especially when I’m sitting in my favorite armchair, with my favorite afghan wrapped around me, doing my favorite thing: staying up and watching an awesome storm through the screen on my window and having the sweet smelling rain drench me to the skin. Lightning flashed across the sky followed by a crash of thunder that jolted me out of the unfamiliar territory of my mind. I heard Ryan’s door open and him scrambling across the hall. It took him a whole of two seconds to get across the hall, open my door, and slam it shut with a whoosh of wind. He leaned against the door, breathing heavily. He slid down to the floor and let out a pitiful whimper as yet another crash of thunder rolled across the sky. Damn. This storm seemed to love torturing the poor kid.

“Spencer, I know this may sound stupid, but can I stay in here with you?”, he asked in a trembling voice.

He sounded like a scared little kid and I guess, in a way, that’s what he was. He may have been nineteen and almost two years older than me, but he was a child at heart; a child who was obviously terribly afraid of thunderstorms.

“Ryan you know you don’t even have to ask. You’re welcome in my room anytime.”

He allowed a small smile to shine through his tearstained cheeks as he replied with a barely audible “thanks Spence”. The smile was immediately wiped off of his face as lightning turned night to day. He knew what was coming next and prepared himself by covering his ears and stuffing his face into his bent knees. I dropped down beside him and pulled him close to my chest giving him a quick squeeze before picking him and carrying him to my bed. I went to pull away from him after setting him comfortably on my bed, but he kept his arms tight around my neck.

“It’s okay Ry. I’m just going to change into some dry clothes. I’m soaking you!”

He burst into sobs as I attempted to loosen his grip again.

“I d-don’t care. P-p-please. J-just stay here with m-me.”

“I care. I don’t want to get you sick! Now come on. It won’t take longer than a minute.”

After a second I managed to pry his fingers from around my neck and take a step backward before he had the chance to grab at me again.
“Just hold on Ry!”, I said sternly.

He gave me the most pitiful look but backed off as I went to grab a dry pair of boxers and a t-shirt from the dresser. After quickly pulling the wet ones off and yanking the dry ones on, I walked back to the bed and pulled the shaking Ryan into another hug.
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Thanks to Sev4Rever for commenting on this!!!