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Unavoidable Fate

Happy Birthday Pt 2

I smiled sweetly, looking at the object on my bedside table. The eyes, the teeth, the smile. They comforted me and took away my doubts as I looked into the eyes of my dad. I reached out to touch him but my hand hit the glass, and for one moment in that day, the only thing I wanted to do, was cry. There was no need to describe my dads amazing features. He had about two inches of chocolate brown hair that naturally grew messy and could not be tamed. Underneath his hair, were his cobalt eyes that looked at me through the glass. He was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket. In his right hand was another hand, the hand belonged to my body. I stared at the small version of me, and smiled to myself. My pale champagne colored hair, glistening brightly in the sun. My topaz colored eyes focused not on the camera. but on dad, as he held kye in his left arm. Kyes eyes were shut, he was only three months old at that point, and I was only three. Kyes hair matched dads, and for some reason I was the only blonde in my family. My mother Liz must have taken this picture, because she wasn’t in it. In fact there’s not one picture with all four of us in it. This picture, was taken a week before he left, and I haven’t seen him since. It was strange, I knew he was gone, but something inside felt like he was near and he was watching me. I gave another soft sigh and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Cupping my head in my hands I rubbed my forehead and massaged my brow.
“Taylor” a voice called from down the stairs “Get up hunny”
It was Liz. She was thirty-three turning thirty-four in March. I don’t know why, but I had always felt a distance from Liz, she didn’t feel like my mother, stupid I know, but something inside just didn’t agree. We didn’t like the same stuff, we hardly ever spoke to each other, we disagreed on so many things and I looked nothing like my father or my mother. With all my strength I hauled my self up and dragged my body to my draws. I stopped a looked in the mirror my eyes flickered to my calendar and I saw a massive back circle around today’s date.
“What the” I whispered as I waddled over to have a look. As I approached my calendar in black writing in the corner of the page it said.
“Today’s the day everything changes” I stepped back from the calendar shocked and bolted for the door.
“Mum” I screamed……No reply “Mum” I screamed again and I carried on down the stairs. As I got to the last step I tripped over Kye’s mini lorry and fell through the door. I picked up my head and looked up, Kye was standing near by. He looked down with sorry eyes.
“Sorry Taylor” he muttered looking down at me. I sighed and picked myself up, brushing of the useable dirt and pulling my top down slightly, I look around.
“Where’s mum kye” I asked swiftly
“Kitchen” he muttered again picking up his truck, which had fallen with me. I nodded at him and walked towards the kitchen; I stopped and looked back. Kye had sat on the floor, and was currently playing with his trucks; I smiled as he crashed them into each other and continued in to the kitchen.
“Hi mum” I coughed as I walked into a cloud of white smoke.
“Oh heya sweetie” Mum called back I frowned and looked around; she caught my expression and called back an answer.
“I was baking you a cake and I drop the flour near the fan and the fan well” she stopped “You can guess the rest” She sighed. “Sorry hunny” I nodded again and burst into laughter. She frowned.
“Oh im sorry, this usually only happens on TV or something” I continued laughing loudly, to which Kye ran in and slipped on the flour and ended up on the floor, which made me laugh even harder. Kye looked around and burst into laughter to. He got up and ran to mum.
“What happened mum” he asked
“A little accident Hun, come on help an old lady clear this up” as these words spilled from her mouth, I shot out the door and up the stairs. I didn’t feel like cleaning up right now. I shut my door and walked to my closet. I spent ages choosing the right outfit. In the end I chose a black v-neck top, and some black skinny jeans. I walked to my wardrobe and grabbed my bar-coded belt, wrapping it around my jeans; I breathed in and pulled it tight. I walked over to my long mirror and smiled, but my smile dropped when I saw my bed hair. Grabbing my hairbrush, I dragged it through the tangles and dropped it back on the desk.
“Success” I whispered and stood back up. Slipping on my DC’s I headed for the door, picking my bag from the chair as I did. It was the last day of school and I still hadn’t handed in my history work.

I bounced down the stairs fully dressed and ready for action. In the kitchen there was still a slight cloud in the room as mum and kye tried to clean it up. I laughed at kye who looked like a badly made snowman. I stood and rocked on my heels.
“Mum” I echoed she looked up and walked over to the table a few seconds later she handed me an envelope.
“It from all of us” she whispered and let go of it.
“Thanks” I squealed and gave her a huge hug. I tucked it into my bag and headed for the door. At the door there was an envelope on the floor. I frowned and picked it up. I frowned at the receivers name.
“Mum” I shouted “Whose Taylor hope”
“I guess it you dear” she called back. I chuckled; crazy person can’t even get my name right. I laughed silently, tucking in into my bag with my other card i headed out the front door, and didn’t look back.
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