Status: FINISHED!!! COMMENTS!!!! Sequel in the works

Young at Heart

And so it begins

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jasey’s POV - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I was finally out of hospital with Rian. I haven’t heard or seen Alex since I told him, I was leaving. Nobody knows where he is but I knew Bella was looking out for him. Rian and I were packing. The radio was on load as can it could be.

“That was Funhouse by Pink. Now we have some news about All Time Low lead singer Alex Gaskarth” said the radio man. I dropped what I was doing and listening. This can’t be good.

“Source tell us that Alex’s love life with Australian born Jasey Rae is over due to Jasey moving back to Oz” I fell back on my bed. How the fuck did they know about this already? It’s only been a week and the media knows about our break up.

“Also Rian, the drummer of the band is going with her to Australia. So what does this mean for the tour and the band? Here’s All Time Low’s Sick Little Games” What a load of bull shit. Rian wasn’t coming with me, I wish he was though.

“Bloody media, you guys are only locals and you’re already on the map” I sighed. Rian lay down next to me.

“It’ll get worse, you know that right. That’s why Alex didn’t want you and the girls on the tour with us” smiled Rian.

“Yeah I know but still. Anyways I’m finished packing. Onto the airport I go” I smiled. Yes it was moving day. I was leaving at 3pm and the boys start their tour at 5pm so we had time to say good bye. Rian sat up and pulling me into his arms. I relaxed a bit.

“Close your eyes” he asked me, I did as he said not sure what he was going to do. I felt my hair being moved and something land on my neck.

“Open” said Rian. I opened my eyes, looked down and saw a drum kit with JC a love heart and RD on it.

“Aww Ri, it’s lovely. You didn’t have too” I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. There was a knock at the door and someone cleared their throat. Rian and I quickly broke apart to see Masey and Jack stating in the door way. I smiled, walked over and hugged them tightly.

“Can I hope in your suitcase?” asked Jack. Masey and I giggled. I knew Jack would want to come with me.

“I wish you could Jackie but you’ve got a tour to go on and you have to look after Masey for me” Jack frowned and let go of me. I walked back over to Rian and linked our hands together.

“Seeing as this is goodbye for now, I have gifts for you all” I smiled trying my best to be brave and not cry. I reach over to my desk and picked up a purple and white book.

“Masey, this is for you. It’s a photo album of our ongoing friendship” I smiled letting go of Rian’s hand and pulling Masey into my arms. Now we were both crying. So much for being brave.

“I’m going to miss you JC” sobbed Masey letting go of me and sitting on my bed. Jack was so hard but I did find something for him.

“Jackie, this bracelet is for you” I smiled. I put it on his wrist.

“Jay” he smiled reading the enragement. Next was Rian, I thought long and hard about this and I came up blank.

“Umm, do you guys mind leaving please?” I asked. Jack and Masey both nodded and left. Rian was looking at me confusedly.

“Jasey?” asked Rian walking slowly towards me. I sighed and took off my shirt, showing my black lace bra.

“What are you doing?” asked Rian turning around. Aww come on Rian, you’ve seen me like this before.

“Come here, I want to show you something” I said turning Rian around but his eyes were still close. I shook my head and put my shirt back on. Rian opened his eyes slowly.

“Now on my lower back, look” I said. I had gotten a tattoo of Rian’s name when the doctor said he wasn’t going to make it. Nobody had seen it yet, which surprised me.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me? Jasey” said Rian. I smiled.

“What do you think?” I asked.

“That you’re crazy and it amazing” laughed Rian. I hugged him tightly.

“Maybe you should keep the neck lace” I said taking it off and handing it back to Rian, he put it around his neck and kissed my cheek.

“I’m surprised Alex didn’t find it” laughed Rian.

“Me too” I smiled.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Alex’s POV - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Alex she’s leaving for the airport, don’t you want to say goodbye?” asked Bella. I was sitting on my hood at Look-Out-Point with Zack and Bella trying to make myself see Jasey before she leaves.

“Go say goodbye” I said to Bella, who just shook her head and dragged Zack off with her. I’m guessing Bella wants the movie style guy run after the girl and gets to the airport just as she’s boarding the plane and confesses his love for her. Well that’s what I’m going right now. Speeding my way to the airport, praying I get there in time if not I’ve blown it and it’s all over. I got to the airport and called Bella.

“You’re too late Axe, she’s gone” sobbed Bella. No, no, no. She can’t be gone.

“No” I screamed loudly, causing everyone to stare at me. Someone’s hand went over my mouth.

“Chill Axe, it’s just Ri” said Rian letting go.

“I’m too late, she gone, she hates me” I said walking over to a wall and sliding down it.

“Axe, this is for you” smiled Rian handing me a letter and a small red box. I opened the letter and started reading.

Dear Alex

It’s taken me about 50 pages just to get this right.
Alexander William Gaskarth, I love you with all my heart.
You are the only one that knows the real me.

I trust you so much, I’m scared to let go but letting go was the right thing for us to do right now.

If you open the box, you’ll find a ring. This is my promise to you.
I promise to be your girlfriend for the 3 months I’m away.
Even if we don’t talk or try to keep this relationship up, I’ll always be yours.

Love yours truly
Echo xx

By the end of the letter I was crying. She truly loves me.

“Whose Echo?” asked Rian. I just smiled.

“Just an amazing girl”
♠ ♠ ♠

Damn If I Do, Damn If I Dont is now up :) Go read please