Status: One shot:)

On the Beaches of this earth.

Chapter 1

I tossed my fringe, which was blonde and way too long. I’d have to talk to Jayne about getting it cut. Hopping off my chair, I walk around the training area and hear a whistling. Sticking out my hand, I grab on to the arrow that was going to strike my temple. I swivel to my left and glare at the person who had sent it. It’s Alexis, who’s the daughter of Artemis and some person. Because we’re demi-gods, one parent is a god, the other is human. Turning, I stick the arrow in the ground and tut and walk off. I’m the daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of love and passion. Personally, I think I take after my father.
I don’t know who my father is, but it’s obvious I take after him, I have blonde hair, that is short, very short, but nicely cut. My fringe is long, and sweeps across my forehead. I’m skinny, and not very tall, but people say I have a golden glow, that makes all people run to me with problems. I wear warrior clothes, which is a skirt, which I hate and some weird body armour for training. I go into the training hut, and grab a sword. The claxon sounds and I walk out shyly. I don’t like fighting, but it’s compulsive where we stay. There are already up to twenty boys, fighting.

I walk around, looking for my usual partner, Isabella. She seems to be at the lake, fighting a boy.
The boy has sun kissed blond hair, bronzed chest and all that. He hasn’t got a top on, just some armour, which doesn’t cover up very much. I realize I’m staring. He’s a very good warrior, swooping confidently, blocking Isabella’s attacks. In the end, she ends up on the floor, him standing on her, with his foot on her chest. She’s grinning and he places a hand in front of her, easily pulling her up. She jumps up lightly and back down, turning to smile even wider at me. I’m still staring at him, his face is perfectly sculpted, like a marble statue, but only less creepy. He frowns at me and I blink a couple of times, looking away. Completely ashamed. I rise my sword up to Isabella’s head and she blocks neatly. We fight for about twenty minutes, both sweaty and swaying on our feet. After sitting down and drinking cold water, we’re called to the centre.

Ollie is standing in the middle of the circle, holding a red flag and a blue flag up above his golden hair. I stand next to Isabella, and a boy in our team starts to pass around red bibs. I nod, and put mine over my head smoothly, seeing Isabella isn’t having the same amount of luck, messing up her hair and coming out gasping like a fish out of water. I laugh at her, and flatten out her full fringe. Her hair is in beautiful curly locks and goes half way down her back. Her skin is milky and pure, not a blemish. Her cheeks are a rosy red from frustration and she’s smiling like a loony.

We have a group meeting, agreeing that Isabella, John and I would stay and protect the flag and the other ten would fight to defend it. We stalk off, deep into the woods and place it in the centre of the tree. I stand in front, my face towards the fight. Isabella is standing right next to the tree, guarding the whole sides and John Is protecting the back. John is dark, tall and handsome, but a total dick. He flicks his flicky hair every five seconds. His muscles are tensed, and his face is guarded. I see Isabella looking at him every five seconds. That girl is boy mad, she’s twirling a long curl around her finger and smiling like a girl in a candy shop. I crouch down, the grass and dirt falling between my fingers gently. I hear a whistling and hear the thud of an arrow. I hear Isabella shout me; “Caitlin, stay down!” And I stay crouched; obviously the other side are firing. I look to my right, and Isabella nods. Standing up ungracefully, I click a few joints, wincing at the slight pain. I look up and see some of the opposing team. I stare at one of them, the boy who was fighting Isabella.

His hair is matted with sweat, which makes him look glorious. He’s muddy, which still makes him look fabulous. He’s looking around, squinting in the mid-day sun. His skin is golden, and toned. I see him watching me watch him, which must turn my face really red as he laughs silently. I position myself, shifting my feet and holding my stance as still as I can. Isabella pokes me in between the shoulder blades gently, making me turn and glare for her ruining the moment. She silently points to John battling a boy with a sword, swooping high and low, trying not to lose an arm. There are stray hairs sticking to his forehead.

I swivel and quickly block the golden boy. As we’re swooping, he mouths his name, obviously trying to distract me. “Zack.”He says, flashing me a million dollar smile. I smile widely back and mouth; “Caitlin” He seems confused for a second, and I push him to his knees, denting the dirt. I hold the sword above my head, attempting to swoop down and injure him. Just as I’m about to strike, I take a look at his face, his big brown eyes full of fear. Good. I swoop down, striking the deep earth next to him. He laughs a breathy laugh and sits back, his head hitting the ground with a dull thump. I laugh and get back to defending the damn flag. Isabella is resting against the tree, breathing heavily from her fight. I look around and hear a horn sound. Ollie comes to us and nods, we’ve won. Limping back to the circle, he yells;” Right, let’s go and get cleaned up” And we all separate. I hear Zack and his friends laughing and whipping themselves with towels saying “good game, let’s hit the showers” and laughing. There is a boy with skunk black hair, that I see Isabella eyeing up, winking at me as we walk past them. The other one has short hair and the other one has a load of hair, spilling over his head like a towel. He needs it cut, stupid guy. I laugh quietly to myself and look up at the sun. It’s not setting just yet, as It’s only afternoon. Enough time for some photography. I go in and have a shower, letting the warm water spill down my back, wetting my hair and relaxing my muscles and freeing me from tension and adrenaline.
After shampooing my hair and drying it quickly off, I get changed into ‘normal’ clothes. As in a patterned dress and just a plain cardigan with blue converse. Making sure I actually look presentable for the outside world, I grab my camera

Stepping out, I notice the sun is setting nicely and go to one of my favourite spots that I haven’t visited in a while. It’s just where the shore meets the ground, swirling nicely and the trees are golden, due to it being autumn. The red is a deep red, as dark as blood and stands out on the sun perfectly. I snap a shot, listening to the telltale snap. Taking a peek, I hear another snap, not mine. I frown and spin on the spot.

Zack is standing there, with a huge grin on his face. I stomp over to him and snatch his camera out of his slender hands. I notice as I take it out of his hands, his nails are short, and bitten. Bad habit. I look at the small screen, inspecting the picture. It’s me, with my camera pointed towards the sky. It’s the back of me, and it looks professional. I slap at him saying “You had no right to take a picture of me!”

He’s laughing hysterically now, and I slap him hard across the face, making him fall back and close his eyes. He’s stopped laughing. Oh my gosh. I’ve knocked him out. I get on my knees, folding my dress and tap his forehead lightly. He opens his eyes, smiling like a loon and says “Got you” and pulls me on my back next to him, looking at the puffy clouds float by. He’s grabbed my hand, and is holding it loosely; his fingers are gently entwined with mine, and are stroking my fingers. It’s sending shivers down my spine. I sit up suddenly, startling him and breaking our fingers away. I swivel to glare at him.

He gives me a confused look, and I say “I don’t even know your name, and you’re already doing some kind of thing to my hand” angrily.

“My name’s Zack. You’re Caitlin. And I wasn’t doing anything weird, just holding your hand!” He says, laughing slightly. I sit back, realising I don’t care if he messed with my hand, I like it. He grabs it, and we lie on our sides, looking at each other, while we just play with each other’s fingers.

I smile, absolutely in bliss, loving every minute. I could spend every minute like this, with him. I realise, that I’ve fallen in love. How could this happen? So quickly too. I sit up, peering at Zack while he’s got his eyes closed. He’s wearing skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt, his hair is mussed and still looks gorgeous.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a boy with dark black hair and a gangly figure. I hear him laughing quietly, I poke Zack in the side, hard. He sits up quickly and I point to where the boy is, obviously distracted by something. Zack walks up to him and shouts loudly in his ear “JACK. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?” And I see this ‘Jack’ jump out of his skin and hit his head on a nearby tree. Jerk. Zack laughs and pushes him in the direction of the boy’s cabins. I walk up to him, and stand on a rock, then on my tippy toes and pull his head down. Wow he’s tall, and whisper in his ear “Jack, I know someone who might like you. Not me.” He nods, waiting for me to go on.

“well, you were on Zack’s team today in capture the flag, did you see the girl, with long curly hair?” I see as his eyes go wide, that it’s a yes. “Well, I know her, and if you leave me and Zack alone, I’ll bring her to meet you, after practise, at about seven. Okay?” He nods and saunters off, clearly happy.

Walking back to Zack, I snap a picture of the sky, with just one branch in the way. “What did you say to him then?” Zack asks, taking my camera off me and nodding in approval. “I said that my friend Isabella would think about meeting him tomorrow.”
He laughs, nodding his head and placing my camera gently into my palm. I close my hand around it tightly, treasuring it. We walk towards the beech, sitting in the sand and running my fingers through it, making grooves. He grabs my fingers, stopping them.
We walk back to the huts, and I know that Zack’s not a bad guy, not like the first one. Sitting on a beach with Zack Merrick, that’s just awesome.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment.
For Caitlin :)