Status: Just beginning

Would You Catch My Tears?

When left alone one thrives in themselves. When paid attention to one thrives in the attention. When an equalibrium is created of it they thrive on the edge. But when one is given attention, the wrong kind they thrive in themselves and when left alone for the wrong reason they thrive in the secret attention people pay them.

Angela though given attention, and loved by her mother thrived in her self. This hightened as things turned bad and painful in her life.

Her twin hating her.
A secret left to her alone to know.

Angela was always the one to choose family, friends, and importance over morals, and ethics. If her sister who hates her with every fiber of her being was dying of a rare deseis she would steal the cure if it was to expensive to legally obtain. In her eyes life is more important then money. And well worth jail time.

So this is a story of a girl, thriving inside herself.
A boy who wants to help her.
And all the caotic things inbetween.


*I do not own the songs and people who are real, but i do own original characters, plot lines, and personalities i have created for the real life peolpe. I am in middle school, so if you expect strong graphic scenes click the back button, I dont know details. Their will be cursing, and other semi-mature things in this story. You were warned.*

Content-Copywrite SsydneyY 2010