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When Being Normal Is Weird


I woke up to the beeping of my annoying alarm clock. I hit it. I groggily looked at the time, 5:30am. Crud. I start school today. I lazily got out of bed, and looked at it longingly, its warm sheets looked really inviting. I forced myself to go to the kitchen, I cooked fried eggs with bacon. I ate my ration while everyone sat down at the table.

When I finished I picked up my plate and went to my room to get ready. I took a bath and put on some black skinny jeans. I put on a white t-shirt with a neon-purple butterfly print. I combed my dirty blond hair and put on a little lip-gloss.

When I was finally ready it was 7:15. We all went to my great grandparent’s house. There we got into the different cars and headed for school. With their crazy driving we arrived less than five minutes later.

As we entered I could feel the stares, it happened every time. Although I’m used to it I still get shy with all of the attention. People literally freeze the first time they see our group. I could faintly hear Emmett chuckling at a girl who almost crashed into a wall while looking at us.

We went to the office and got our schedules. What are the odds of having one of them in all of my classes! We are all in the same grade! Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my family but having them around so much can be a little suffocating.

I inherited a bit of Bella’s ability, Edward can’t read my mind easily, he has to concentrate. It isn't impossible for him but it requires concentration.

My first class was Chemistry with Alice. I was going to sit with her in the back but she told me to sit in an empty seat near the front. She smiled before sitting in the back.

“Hello, what’s your name?” A pretty girl with glasses asked me as she sat down next to me.
“Serenity. Yours?”
“Sarah, nice to meet you. You are new too?”
“Yup.” I said.
“Oh, well then you haven’t noticed the other new kids.”
“Which ones?” I asked, there were other new kids?
“Yes, the guys are extremely H-O-T. And the girls are really beautiful. One of them is here in the classroom.”
“The one in the back, with the short black hair and pale skin.” I turned and saw Alice smirking at me. She was listening, amused.
“Alice you mean?” I asked doubtfully.
“I don’t know her name but I think so.”
“She’s my cousin you know.” I said nonchalantly and her jaw dropped to the floor.
“So you know them?!”
“Yes, they are my family. My brother Edward and my sister Renesmee have the same hair color I have.” I said not wanting to get more into detail.
“And the big chunk of chocolate?”
“There are two, tan skin, black hair. The youngest looking.”
“Max?! Ew, gross!”
She was going to answer me but the teacher cut her off with the start of the class.

Afterward I had Calculus with Emmett and Jasper. Em kept making funny faces and imitating the teacher. I had to cover my mouth to stop giggling.
Later I had French with Rosalie and Bella. After that I had English with mom, dad and Max.

When it was lunch time I was starving. Alice had my tray on her hands as we sat down on a huge table. They were various of the rectangular, plastic tables you see everywhere, placed together.

I saw Sarah looking at us. She looked like she wanted to come and sit with us but was a little intimidated.
“Go and sit with her.” Edward said.
I stood up, took my tray and went towards Sarah’s table.
“Hey.” I said shyly.
“Serenity!” Sarah exclaimed. “Sit down. That is Kelly.”
“Hey.” A blond girl said.
“That is Michelle, her sister Melody and Michael.” They greeted me as I sat down. I started eating, I was so hungry! Alfredo pasta, so delicious, makes my tummy happy.
“Girl, you can eat.” Michael said.
“Don’t be fooled, Mike might look and act gay but he is not.” Melody said smirking.
“Hey!” Mike whined, I can see her point.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully, my last two classes were PE and History.

When I got home I took a long hot shower, did my homework and nearly collapsed on my bed.
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It's long. Finally found some time to update. too much schoolwork D:
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