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When Being Normal Is Weird


Saturday I woke up early in the morning. I wanted to go to the city, to the mall. I put on my favorite faded jeans and a light blue tank top.
I went to the kitchen and ate a bowl of cereal with milk, didn’t feel like cooking. I got my car keys; yes, I have my own car; and started the long drive to the mall.

A few hours later I finally arrived. The place is huge. First, I went to the camping store, it has everything for and adventurer girl like moi. I bought new boots, harness, gloves and a camping tent. Later I ate some lunch, I noticed that Camila Evans was there with her clones, she looked at me but I simply ignored her, didn’t feel like messing with her today.

The rest of the afternoon I spent window-shopping. When I finally left the mall it was already 11pm, very dark except for the streetlights. My car was parked a few blocks away.

As I was passing a particularly dark ally I felt a strong hand pulling me inside. I fell to the floor hard.
“Ouch!” I said while trying to stand up. I saw the outline of 4 people, by the height, 3 were guys and one was a woman.
“You shouldn’t have messed with me.” I immediately recognized Camila’s voice, I heard the clanking noise of her heals retreating and she was laughing.

I was then thrown to the ground. The guys surrounded me and started kicking me. I screamed with the pain.
“Nobody is going to hear you.” One of them said.
I held my knees to my chest. I know self-defense but three against one was just too much. I don’t know for how long they hit me but after what seemed hours they finally left laughing.

I stayed on the cold floor for hours; the low temperature made me numb and soothed the pain a little. I couldn’t think of anything but the fact that I was severely hurt and without any medical attention I could die. My shopping bags lay scattered around me and my purse contents were on the floor next to me; they had taken my phone and wallet.

I saw something moving really fast. A second later a silhouette was standing a few feet away from me.
“Ahh, la mia cantante.” A male voice with an Italian accent said. It came closer and I noticed that his eyes were a vibrant red.
“Oh sh**.” I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger!

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