Status: Comments Are Welcome:)

Coffee & Cigarette

Coffee & Cigarettes

Alex sat in a coffee house, with a medium black coffee in front of her and a cigarette hung loosely from her lips. She hogged a four-person booth and had basically the whole coffee house to herself. Never had she been able to fathom the emptiness of the warm, homey establishment. It was perfect for anyone who just wanted to exsist or just be alone or had nothing better to do. 
For Alex, it was a toss-up between wanting to be alone and nothing better to do. She had friends, not too many, but friends nonetheless. A lot of them liked to party and their friends had parties. 
Alex was never invited. 
They either said she was too awkward or she just didn't belong. 
Alex sighed as she looked outside. Two black trucks, a gold car, a green crossover, and a silver crossover passed by before a soupped up Honda turned into the coffee house parking lot. After it was stopped in a parking space Alex turned to watch the staff. 
"Another slow one." a curly red haired woman spoke. 
"It's always a slow one." replied a chubby brunette woman. 
"If only that girl wouldn't come all the time; then we'd be off." The curly red head may have been whispering but there wasn't a hum of customers to keep her words hidden from Alex's ears. 
A bell rang signaling the arrival of a new customer. Both waitresses turned along with Alex to check out the person. 
To everyone's surprise a boy with straight red hair, looking around Alex's age walked in. He wore a plaid button-up shirt over a black shirt and had on the tightest pair of jeans Alex had seen adorned on a boy. Holes had been slit in the knees and he had bracelets trailing up his left wrist. Not the type to be in this town nor the type to be in a coffee house on a Saturday night. 
He checked out the scene. Apperantly it was to his liking since he took a seat two boothes away from Alex. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes so he could smoke and awaited a waitress patiently. 
"How can I help you?" the brunette asked obviously still in shock. 
"I'd like the blueberry pancakes and a black coffee." The boy told her. "I may not be able to pay you in full though." He glanced at the prices once more. "Well actually I can't pay you in full."
The red haired waitress opened her mouth to speak but Alex beat her. "I'll cover you."
The red head waitress turned back around to start up the pot of coffee she officially had to make. The brunette walked away, his order memorized, to leave the boy to look over the girl who had taken up his breakfast order.
It amazed him that there was someone alive who would do that for a stranger. She didn't look too rich in her dirty jeans and ratty plaid shirt. He couldn't say much though considering his own jeans and plaid shirt. Without a doubt, on his way out, he was going to pay her a compliant and a well deserved thank you. This girl was one of the nicest girls he'd ever met on his journey so far. 
Alex watched the waitresses do something she'd never seen them do: Their jobs. It amazed her they even still remembered how to make food and be polite. They were never polite to her and they never had to make her food. As long as there was coffee they were fine. 
"Um, may I have a refill?" Alex's quiet voice filled the empty place, reaching the ears of the brunette who was making the pancakes.
"What kind of coffee was that?" 
"Medium black," Alex replied.
The red head looked at the boy. "Do you mind medium black?" 
Alex turned around to face him. He also did the same. They stared at each other for a while before turning their backs on one and other. 
"Medium black is perfect." 
Alex smiled to herself before she put out a cigarette only to replace it with another. She lit and then sucked in the smoke. 
Smoking had always been a plan of hers. She wasn't addicted but she was in love with taste of smoke. It filled her lungs and lingered on her tongue for hours or until she brushed her teeth. Cigarettes were a part of her and she wouldn't change that unless the right reason came along. So far it hadn't. 
Alex breathed in some smoke before letting it out. She always wondered why the waitresses let her smoke. It was supposed to be illegal here. They probably wanted the business considering they let the other kid smoke. 
"Blueberry pancakes," the brunette continued to Alex's table, "and a recipt for you."
Alex looked at her. "Thanks so much!" Alex handed the waitress two twenties. "That should be more then enough for both our meals. Give him all the change." Alex drained her coffee and got up. "Until tomorrow." 
She picked up her lighter and pack of cigarettes to shove them into her leather bag. Alex pulled on a leather jacket and started to exit the coffee house. 
"Hey wait!" the boy snapped. 
Alex jerked her head in his direction and raised a black brow. 
"Thanks for paying. I really appreciate you doing so."
"No problem, it's just breakfast."
"Seriously, I've been living in my car for a month now and I ran out of money. You are the only person who has lent me money and then actually given me more." He looked down at his shoes before looking up at Alex. "Thank you so much."
Alex didn't hear anything after the first money. This kid lived in his car without money. How was he still alive? Alex blinked to snap herself out. "Stay with me and my parents until you're back on your feet. You can get a job and save up." 
"What? No."
Inside he was desperately hoping she would insist he stay. On the other hand he really didn't want to bother the family. She didn't even know his name. 
"Why not?"
"We don't even know each others' names."
"I'm Alex, now stay with us."
"I'm Nick and I still don't know if that's such a good idea." 
"I insist." Alex replied pushing back her dark hair behind her ear. 
"I'm not so sure."
"C'mon, take that shitty old car and follow me to my place." Alex smiled warmly at Nick.  
"I haven't even." Nick stopped the sentence since Alex interrupted. 
"Just come on."
Nick hesitated before following behind the head of black hair as the two exited the coffee house. His brown eyes followed her as she took a seat in a silvery-blue Range Rover. He couldn't fathom his good luck with this beautiful girl willing to take him in. He was still speechless as he got in his Honda. He pulled out of the parking lot after she did and started to follow her. 
The Range Rover got on the freeway and after passing two exits got off to a long two lane road that took around twenty minutes to turn into a small town. She drove through until she found her turn and then she drove for about a minute and they pulled into the circular driveway of a nicely sized, grey stone home. 
There was BMW and a Jaguar in the driveway already since no garage was present like Nick had had in his own house. Right in the middle of the house was the double door made of dark wood with two golden doorknobs. It was very beautiful and something Nick had ever dreamed of coming too. 
Three knocks were fired against his window making Nick look up. It Alex with a look of annoyance lining her face. He got out of the car  but not without checking out the house once more. 
"I think you'll want to see your room." Alex told him, taking out a key from the pocket of her jeans. 
Nick nodded in his daze of wonder. There had never been a house he'd been in bigger then his two story fifteenth of an acre, average house. This was definitely larger then average. 
The two entered a large main entryway with a ceiling that went to the third floor. A large, diamond chandelier, that was only used at night, was hanging down until it reached the first and a half floor. A circular table was propped up in the middle with a vintage Les Paul standing on it. Nick's breath stopped as his eyes met the dream guitar. These people who this girl had been born and raised with were wealthy, very wealthy.
She pulled off her leather jacket, resting it on the stair holder, showing off her plaid shirt that had a Burberry symbol on it, previously hidden by the jacket. Nick's breath completely stopped once he realized this girl was a hidden version of wealth. Alex started up the stairs of the house with Nick following. He was shaking with fear and excitement. 
Alex glanced at him, also nervous but only of his reaction of being in this amount of wealth. Just by looking at him she knew that his plaid shirt was from a place cheaper then Abercrombie and Fith and the jeans were a generic Macy's brand, easily afforded. Poor guy was probably shaking, ready to basically kill himself from not being able to fit in. And Alex even knew her parents would judge him quickly for his clothes and his hair without even talking to him. They didn't fight fair and Nick wouldn't be an exception. They would put him down with words until he finally left their grand house.
The two made it to the second floor and went down a semi-long hallway until they reached the fourth room on the left. Alex pushed open the door and showed Nick a room that was the size of his old living room. The color theme was red, black, and grey. It exuded wealth from the black paneled fan to the red silk sheet mounting the bed. An elated grin found its way onto Alex's face. 
"Enjoy this place as if it's your home!" Alex exclaimed. "Really I hope you like it here and I hope you enjoy your stay, however long. Tomorrow my parents can figure out everything else." 
Alex knew in her heart that her parents would kill Nick with words before they finally agreed to do basically everything for him. They would strip Nick down to just his childhood vulnerablity, having him beg on his knees for mercy. He would hate them for the rest of his stay.
Nick grinned. "Thank you so much!" Nick threw his arms around the black haired beauty before giving her a warm smile. "I will enjoy living here and I will be the best guest I can be!"
Alex smiled. "I'll bring your stuff up for you so you can take everything in."
"Thanks, Alex." Nick's grin was undeniable and contagious. 
A grin slipped on Alex's face as she nodded and silently exited the room leaving Nick to himself. He let himself fall against the nice sheets and the cozy bed staring up at the ceiling. He thanked God aloud for giving him this angel for safety. 
Nick grinned. How could he been so unlucky up until that God-awful looking establishment? The best gifts truly could come in the ugliest of packages. 
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Put this up from my iPod. Not sure how long it is oh well.
PS New Bring Me The Horizon Album Is Pretty Amazing, Not Gonna Lie