Status: Active and being updated

Not The Same Boy You Knew Back Then


Two Months Later

"Mommy!" Savannah's shrill little voice called out for me. My eyes shot open and instantly landed on the alarm clock. 9:34. Had I really over slept? I turned over, expecting my hand to land on Alex's chest, but I was welcomed by nothing but a pillow. 

"Alex?" I wondered aloud as my eyes scanned the room, remembering quickly that I was at Alex's apartment,.

"Mommy!" Savannah called out again, sounding less patient and more frustrated than before.

"Savy." I sighed to myself, my body suddenly get heavy as I thought about having to get out of bed to run around with my daughter, but I forced my self to sit up, as I yawned, "I'm coming, baby girl."

"MOM-MY!" she screamed one last time before she noticed me entering the room. Alex was kneeled down in front of her, desperately trying to make her settle down. 

Savannah smiled up at me, showing off her checker board smile. Devilishly, she pushed on Alex's shoulder and sent him backwards onto his butt before she ran around him and embraced my legs with a hug. She glanced up at me and smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning," I beamed, picking her up and resting her on my hip, "and good morning to you too."

Alex got to his feet and hurried over to greet me with a soft kiss full on my lips. 

"How'd you sleep?" He inquired leading me in to the kitchen where he began to pour me a cup of coffee.

"Pretty great." I smiled and set Savannah down, "Baby girl, why don't you go watch Dora in Alex's room and mommy will bring breakfast in."

"Okay!" She smiled brightly for a moment before turning and running in to the bedroom.

As soon as she was out of sight, I crossed the room and slipped my arms around his waist. He did the same as I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Still tired?" He asked, "Want me to make you some breakfast?"

I couldn't help but smile at all his little gestures. He made me feel so loved just by offering the smallest things. For the first time in years it felt like someone was taking care of me for a change, and I was enjoying it. I knew he loved me, he'd told me only a handful of times, but he was waiting for me to tell him I loved him. 

I did love him, I no longer doubted that. He was funny, caring and so sweet. He liked to make me feel loved, and he was learning to love Savannah, too. The way he would smile at me from across the room, the smell of his cologne, the way his voice sounded when he said my name; I loved all of it, but I couldn't bring myself to say 'I love you', simply because at one point in my life, those words were reserved for Connor and I never though I'd ever tell another man the same thing.

"I can help you," I insisted, pulling away from him, "I was planning on Pancakes and scrambled eggs?" 

"Just tell me what you need." He smirked.

As I told him what I needed, he ran around the kitchen gathering the cooking utensils, pans and food. He laid it all out on the counter and asked what he was suppose to do next. He informed me that he'd never cooked his own pancakes before and was clueless to where he was even supper to begin.

"Pour two cups of flour into one of those big bowls- " I instructed him, taking a seat at the table as I sipped on my coffee, "Crack an egg And beat it all together."

I watched as he did what I asked, thinking about how lucky I was and I couldn't help but question aloud, "Why are you so good to me?"

A wide grin appeared on his face as he continued to mix the gooey batter, "How could I not? You deserve it and I love you."

He smiled at me briefly, but the smile left his face promptly. I was afraid he was getting used to not hearing it back. I placed my mug down on the table and sighed quietly. I crossed the room once again to stand beside him at the counter, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to say so we stood silently.

"What now, boss?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly as he did so. 

"Add just a pinch more flower, it looks a little runny."

Alex stuck his hand into the bag of flower and scooped up a handful, "This much?"

I shook my head, "Too much." 

"Okay, here let me just-" He picked up a little with his free hand and flicked the powder into my hair, and across the side of my face. I gasped with surprise and let my jaw drop open. "Oh yes, I did." He smirked devilishly. 

I furrowed my brow, and without even thinking I grabbed the bowl of batter mix and splashed it across his chest and jaw. I laughed at the shocked look on his face, but before I could catch my breath Alex stole the bowl from my hands and poured it calmly over my head, letting it drip down my face. He then spun around, grabbed the bag of flour by the bottom and did something I could hardly believe- he dumped half the bag over my head and would've kept going if I hadn't of managed to wrestle it away from him.

He attempted to steal it back as I threw flour at him, but he ended up slipping on pancake mix and hitting the floor hard.

"Oh my gosh! Honey, are you ok-" before I could finish, Alex grabbed my legs and pulled me down on top of him. As I stumbled down, I managed to grab an egg off of the counter.

I landed on his chest, and for a moment we were both breathless and unable to control our fit of laughter. We were both covered in a sticky, gooey mess. Alex wiped some of the mess from my face before he pulled me into him and planted kiss on my lips. It was much more passionate than I was expecting from the kitchen floor.

I pulled away, gasping for a quick breath but I never let our lips get more than an inch apart, "Te Amo." 

"What does that mean?" 

I grabbed a hold of the egg I'd manage to steal from the counter, lifted my hand and smacked the top of Alex's head. His eyes went wide as the yolk slipped down the side of his face.

"Te Amo," I repeated again, "It means I love you."

Alex's mouth curved in to such a genuinely happy smile, I couldn't help but plant tiny kisses all along his battered jaw line. He exhaled deeply and wrapped his arms around my frame.

"I was afraid I'd never hear you say that." He admitted shyly.

"I just needed to find the right words." I whispered. 

"Say something else in Spanish." Alex squirmed a little as I trailed my kisses down his neck.

I didn't even hesitate, I just raised my lips up to his ear and whispered, "te quiero."

"and what's that mean?" He breathed, clearly feeling the sexual tension build between us.

"I want you." I whispered in his ear again, letting my voice sound like a soft moan.

"Your daughter's in my bed." He chuckled lightly.

"Than let's take a much needed shower." I suggested, running my hands down his stomach to the waist of his jeans.

"Together?" He propped himself up on his elbows, "Someone needs to watch Savy."

I couldn't help but giggle at how cute his concern for my daughter was, but I assured him, "If she didn't come running out here during all that commotion, than she's sleeping."

He bit his lip, still looking hesitant. I was fully prepared to make him change his mind. I pressed my chest against his and ran my fingers through his hair. Pressed my lips to his and spoke softly, "Come on, Alex. Just a quick, hot shower. Me and you and all the warm steam and-"

He gave in quickly by pulling me into a long, passionate kiss. Somehow he managed to pull us both up to our feet and before I knew it we were both stumbling back to the guest bathroom, trying desperately to keep our footing while we ran our hands all over each other. 


"Oh god, that was nice." Alex mumbled into my neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and we stepped in time together out to the kitchen. We both sighed in unison when we remembered we still had to clean up the mess that we made. 

I tightened the tie on my house coat and pulled away from Alex, "I'm just going to check on Savy, then we can start cleaning up."

Alex just nodded and grabbed the mop from beside the fridge. I tip toed in to Alex's room and took a seat at he edge of his bed. Savannah was sprawled like a star fish across the pillows, snoring lightly. I watched her heat rise and fall, smiling to myself at my beautiful little angel. Suddenly, the apartment was filled with knocking from the front door.

"Can you get that, Del?" Alex called as quietly as possible, "It's probably one of the guys."

I hurried from the room out to the front door. I opened the door and mentally kicked myself for not using the peep hole first. 

"Delaney?!" Lisa's face expressed  joy, but I could tell she was being fake, "I can't believe this! I haven't seen you in who knows how long!" She stopped and examined me head to toe, noticing my current out fit was nothing but a bath robe, "Oh... So you're Alex's
new girl?"

I just nodded as her friendly face quickly turned serious, and I could tell she meant business now.

"Well, I guess it only makes sense. You were always jealous of us, so it only fits that you'd scoop him up any chance you'd get." She grinned.

"Well from what I hear, I would've had plenty of chances. Your relationship wasn't so stable." I gave her my best fake smile.

"Well, aren't you funny." She crossed her arms over her chest, "So I guess you and Connor didn't work out? I always knew the two of you-"

"We got married." I interrupted her, "He passed away."

Her face softened and for the first time I saw real emotion in her eyes. Sympathy.

"So, your daughter is Connors?" She wondered.

I couldn't quite figure out how she could have possibly known I had a daughter, I just nodded and we both fell silent for a few moments.

"I'm going to go." She finally announced, turning to leave, "Tell Alex I stopped by." She began to walk away, but stopped, turned and added, "and I'll be back."

I closed the door, and groaned loudly. I knew deep down in the pit of my stomach that I would be seeing more of her. Luckily it wouldn't have to be any time soon since Alex, Savannah and I were headed to North Carolina this weekend to visit my dad for a week.

A much needed vacation. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I sincerely, and strongly apologize for the hiatus I have taken on this story, there has just been so much going on. I lost my Internet, then my computer and then my sanity (sort of). My account also got frozen because Mibba thought my sister's account was a second account I had made. After all of that, it comes down to my recent lack of will to write.

But, I'm back! I plan on finishing this story up in the next few chapters, and it's going to get intense!

Anyways, I hope all y wonderful readers and subscribers are not to upset with me! Please enjoy!