Status: active as long as I get comments.


We're Separated Now.

As hard as I try, I can’t worm my way into the same classes as you. Last year, we were in all the same classes together. We were attached at the hip. People knew we were best friends; this year, whenever I mention you (and that’s quite a lot) people are shocked to know that you even associate with me. And now our friendship is slowly crumbling because we don’t see each other as much. But that’s just how school is supposed to be, right? You’re best friends with someone one year, and then suddenly you don’t even acknowledge said person in the halls. You’re either too busy or you frankly don’t give a damn.

I remember this one girl, Caitlin. I swear to God we had the most dysfunctional friendship ever, from the third grade to the sixth grade. Now, in the seventh grade, she’s a wannabe popular and I’m in the background. I suppose that’s how it’s always been, though. She's always been desperate to be in the "in crowd". And she’s still jealous of you, you know. She didn’t like the fact that I spent all my time with you instead of her.