Status: active as long as I get comments.


You Have My Back.

You have my back for everything. That’s all anyone ever asks for in a best friend, and some poor souls never get a friend like that. Even though I only had a year with you as practically my sister, you made sixth grade – the hardest year for some kids – the best days of my entire life, well, so far. When kids teased me for dressing weirdly, being so obnoxious, and being obsessed with gays and My Chemical Romance, you defended me to the best of your ability. I loved watching you glare at everyone, as if you’d kill them in a second. That wouldn’t be possible. You’re far too small; I know it’s because of some disease, yet I still make sure you’re eating enough and you don’t puke it all up. You do realize that it’s unhealthy for a five-foot girl to only weigh sixty pounds, right?