Status: active as long as I get comments.


We Have So Much In Common.

We just have so much in common. I know that line is so overused, and it may not seem like it means much to you, but it’s true. I’ll never meet someone as…insane and…weird as you! And I love that! From day one, we could have a deep, hour long conversation about anything. You have an obsession with homosexuality, incest, emo-ness, and all the other things I love. Sometimes we spent lunch not even eating (for the most part – I made you eat something obviously); instead we fantasized about meeting an emo, gay person that randomly became our friend. It would honestly be a dream come true, for we’ve always wanted to meet someone who actually didn’t annoy us. We talked about the stupidest things, and sometimes we even laughed about nothing, just because we felt like it.