Status: active as long as I get comments.



Do you remember that girl we used to hang out with: Daezsa? We used to sit with her every day during lunch. She was my other best friend. I wasn’t as close with her as I was to you – and whenever you were absent from school we were lapsed into awkward small talk, but then again, even when she was absent from school it didn’t seem…complete. I’ve known Daezsa since the fourth grade; we were best friends for part of that year – but our closeness evaporated when we moved seats in class. I love that sort of innocent age, when the kid you sit next to in class instantly becomes your best friend. I wish it was still like that sometimes. Anyway, Daezsa moved at the end of the school year, a day before the last day of school. I cried that day, and people kept asking me what was wrong. You told them to shut the fuck up.