Sequel: Vanessa

Rebels in Love

So to start off, this is a GNR fan fiction story, not based on real facts. Just a story I felt like writing. It's pre-Guns, before any of them were famous for anything except for being misfits and trouble-makers.

Vanessa has had a pretty wrecked life. Her dad was a very sick man and was killed when she was a toddler. She's a problem child with an attitude and a deep problem with alcohol.

One day when she was in music class, one of the only classes she can stand, she runs into a local misfit, Saul Hudson (aka Slash) and his best friend Steven Adler.

They soon become good friends, with the exception of Slash and Vanessa who become more then friends. With these two together, nothing was stopping this bombshell of a relationship. Not for long anyway.

This story is dedicated to my cousin, who loves Slash.

©2010 Property of Jordan (blackindependance). I don’t own Guns N Roses but I do own the character of Vanessa and the plot of this story. Taking it will be considered as stealing and you will be reported. Thanks for reading