Status: Active again! New chapter up as of 8/13/11!

A New Kind of Dangerous


Raven slowly walked through the hallway, stopping every few seconds to talk to a friend or random people from her grade. She lost track of Sarah at some point and later found her flirting with some football player. She was still a little high so she wandered around for a few minutes before finding her English class. She walked in and realized she knew no one. She took a seat in the back just as the bell rang. Her English teacher, Mr. Johnson, introduced himself and talked a little about what they would be doing over the course of the year. Halfway through his speech, she looked over and saw two random girls whispering and staring at her. Normally she would have told them off, but she didn't feel like making a scene on the first day of school so she just sat back and stared at the wall until the bell rang

Raven caught up with Sarah in the hallway after class .
"I am going to kill myself"

Sarah looked at her bewildered "Umm, why?"

"Because these dumb bitches were talkin shit during class, the only reason I didn't tell them off is because it's the first day"

"Who are they, I'll beat a bitches ass!"

Raven laughed to herself at the thought of tiny Sarah beating anyones ass. "I have no idea who they were, but hey, we've got 10 minutes, wanna go have a cigarette?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

After their smoke break they headed to their next class which was Anatomy.

Coming in she saw that Jacob, Emily, and Matt were in it as well as Sarah. The teacher was really nice and the curriculum he described sounded very interesting. This is by far going to be the best class this year.

Calculus was her next class. When she walked in she realized that just about everybody in there was in her grade. Some people glared at her while some smiled, that's just the way it was with her. Everybody either loved or hated her. Either way, she didn't give a fuck.

She looked around for someone she actually talked to and was grateful to see Brooke sitting in the third row a couple seats back. Raven took the seat next to her.

"Girl where the hell have you been, I haven't seen you in like a month!"

"Cheer camp, remember?" She asked "I told you at Johhny's party that I'd be gone for awile"

"Shit, I was gone that night. You shoulda told me when I was sober"

Brooke smiled at her "Okay next time I'll remember"

Damn, Raven loved her smile. She wasn't attracted to her, exactly. She just thought she was hot. There's a difference, right? She wondered what Brooke thought about her. She was one of the few people who knew her secret. People always thought it was weird that they hung out together, but no one ever guessed it was because Brooke was a lesbian too. Cheerleaders aren't supposed to be lesbians. She was scared she'd get kicked off the team if the squad found out. She hated that she couldn't be as open as Raven was.

"Did you and Ashley break up?" It suddenly occured to her that she hadn't seen them together in about two months.

"Yeah, we were fighting alot and neither of us could really handle-" Brooke stopped abruptly and Raven looked up to see one of her bitchy friends, Carmen, coming toward them.

"Great" She mumbled to herself as Carmen took the seat in front of Brooke

"Hey girl! I haven't seen you in like three whole days! What's been going on" She seemed to say this all in one breath, it was creepy.

Brooke shrugged "Oh just shopping and relaxing pretty much. The usual."

The conversation between them seemed to end there as Carmen looked over and saw who Brooke had been talking to. She gave Raven a face that had disgusted written all over it and Raven gave her one back.

The teacher walked in and they all remained silent until the bell rang.

"No offence, but I wanted to rip her fake hair out the whole period" Raven told Brooke as they walked down the hallway.

It was lunchtime and she wanted to get the hell out of this place. She met up with Sarah, Emily, Jacob, and another friend, Josie.

"We're all going to my house to smoke and eat" She announced

Jacob grinned "Fucking awesome"

"You coming?" She asked Brooke

Brooke looked at her friends that were waiting for her giving her strange looks, then back to them. "Hell yeah"

They all laughed and made their way out to Raven and Josie's cars
and drove the 5 blocks to her house. Josie had a normal looking house with a big back yard and a pool, but there was hardly ever anyone there to use it because her parents were always traveling or working. Right now they all happend to be at work so they had the house to themselves.

Emily and Raven went into the bathroom to fix their hair and makeup while the rest of them cooked lunch. Which cooking meant they put a pizza in the oven, aand soda on the counter.

Raven came out of the bathroom. "Damn this smells good, let's eat"

They all agreed and began eating. Once they were all finished they still had 30 minutes before they had to be back in class so Josie got out her bong and they all sat in a circle, blasting rap music, and taking hit after hit. Even Brooke, who didn't usually smoke.

Jacob checked his phone "Shit we gotta leave in 7 minutes"

"Why don't we just skip" Emily suggested. They all just turned and stared at her. Emily never ever skipped school, she was too serious about her work.

"Come on, let's go" Jacob said

They arrived at the school just in time. Raven hurried to her next class, Government. She took a seat next to Matt, he was another one of her guy friends. She looked around. Great. All fucking nerds and bitches.

Just then she walked into the room.

Raven stared, just simply stared.

She didn't give Raven even a glance as she took her seat at the front of the room.

"Oh my god" She thought to herself as she slid down into her seat and put her head down.

"She doesn't fucking remember"
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Not getting many comments or subscriptions, dont know if i'm going to continue or not.