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I Love Paul & Edward Cullen

I love Paul & Edward Cullen ( Paul & Edward Cullen love story) chapter 1

Angel walked out of car and saw her twin brother, Kyle, "Hi brother," she said to him.

“Hello dear sis, how are you feeling?" he replied.

“I'm doing good, how about you?”

“Same here too, can’t wait for school tomorrow!”

“Yes I know it's going to be fun.”

“Yep!” Angel walked in with her stuff, she walked upstairs in to her room with the stuff. She put the stuff away, her mother called Kyle and Angel downstairs. Angel walked downstairs.

“Dear, did you guys get your stuff ready for school tomorrow?” Their mother asked them.

“Yes mother we did.” Sighed Kyle and Angel in unison.

“Okay behave at school tomorrow.” Their mother said, “I have to go to work now.”

“Yes mother we will.” They replied again. Angel walked up the stairs and Kyle sat down on the couch thinking.

Next morning Angel put different clothes on: tight pants and a nice shirt. She walked down the stairs and grabbed her keys, got out the door, and got into her car with Kyle. Her car is a BMW sports car. She drove out of the drive way.

“I'm glad we going to school again.” Kyle said as they drove to school.

“Yes I know huh?” Angel got to the school parking lot, she parked her car, and got out of the car. Kyle did the same. Everyone was looking at them; angel can read people minds; Angel and Kyle walked in to the school, they found the office. They walked into the office.

“Hello may I help you?” asked the receptionist.

“Yes we came here to get our school paper for class.” Replied Angel and Kyle politely.

“Oh yes! Name please?”

“Angel and Kyle Lance.” Responded Angel.

“Oh yes here you go, have the teachers sign it and after school give it back to me when it's done.” Said the lady, handing them their papers.

“Will do thanks.” They said, grabbing the papers. They walked out of office, both of them looked at their class papers; they had some same class!

“See you around brother.” Waved Angel.

“See you dear sis.” Kyle waved as they walked away. Angel walked to her history class, she came in, and had the teacher sign the paper.

“You may sit with Emmett.” He said, nodding towards an empty desk. Emmett waved his hand, and Angel went sat next to him, he smelt like a vampire to Angel.

“Hello how are you?” Emmett asked her.

“I'm doing good, and yourself?”

“Same here too.”

Angel whispered to him, “Are you vampire, because you smell like it.”

“Yes I'm, and so are you?” he replied.

“Yes I'm.” They stopped talking and started doing their work, then the bell ring; Angel got up and walked out of the class before Emmett made his way out. They were out in the hall way now.

“So what do you drink?” he asked her.

“I drink bear, and you?”

“Same here too, well see you around!”

“Yep!” she said as they both walked away.
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find out what happened in chapter 2, i know sorry it's short next time it's will be long i hope, en joy this one rate plz and let me know what you think of this one..