What I'll Do

"I love you too, but that doesn't matter now, does it?" ...

Those words echoed in my head as I was listening to the last single she has released. "Your Song", I was reading the dedication for probably the millionth time since it first came out. It was already crumpled up. I could recite it without even thinking. I memorized it by heart, though it makes my heart break even just reading it.

This album goes off to all my friends. Jake, Nate, Vee, Kylie and Matt. I love you guys. I could’ve never have had the courage to follow my dreams without you. Thank you for keeping me on the ground and staying ‘Stephanie’, you didn’t let me change. You guys have always had my back and you know that I’ll always have yours. I wanna thank my parents, that even though they’re not here physically, I know they support me in whatever decision I make. I wanna thank them for teaching me how to make my decisions and stand by them. Carl, thank you for belileving in me, for not giving up o me even if I'm very stubborn. Thank You for everything. This album will not be possible without you. My fans, thank you for supporting me throughout my career. I know I’ve had some faults, but you never gave up on me. When the media says something about me, you speak up to defend me. Thank You. This is my last album for awhile. I’ll be taking a break. I will miss you all, and I hope when I do come back, you will all still support me. This also goes out to you. You know who you are. And everyone knows who you are. This is for you. Thank You. Now I know WHAT TO DO.

I knew it was for me. I knew that I messed up. She was everything I could think of. Every song was for her, every day I live for her. She may not be beside me, but everyday, I wish to see her. To talk to her. To explain. To prove to her. That I sitll love her. I will forever love her. And I am nothing without her.

It's been 4 years since I've seen her face, if you dont include the posters.. Close to half a decade, since I've last heard her melodic voice aside from me repeating her songs over and over again. My love. My one and only.
Stephanie Vilvaldi

a/n : So... I'll be posting a teaser chapter sometime this week .. If I get enough comments.
I'll be getting my other story on the go first though --> The Square Root of Friendship <-- Check it out! It's awesome :D