Status: Active - Submit Your Rants!


Attention Seeking Assholes

So I have this "friend" who goes on and on and on about how her mother treats her like absolute shit. They do nothing but fight - both sides fuel the fire pretty equally, actually - and she claims that her mom says that she no longer wants her, she's a pain in the ass, etc. She does have high anxiety, ADD and bipolar, but in reality she's just a product of her own environment and would be way different if her mom wasn't a wicked bitch. Her dad, who divorced her mom years ago (for many good reasons), offered my friend to go live with him, his wife and her half-brother (who is about 3, I think? Turning 4 soonish? Whatever, unimportant) for as long as she needed and he would even bring her back and forth from where they live back here so she could see her friends regardless of the distance (its about an hour and forty-five minutes of a drive) and all that jazz.

She's seriously debating on going or not. Her first excuse was that she was scared of their cat and was scared that she would have to change her baby brother's diaper, to which I said, "which is worse, a cat and a diaper or being treated like shit?" That excuse was then off the table. Now she's saying that her mom is threatening to hospitalize her and that if she goes to her dad's she'll never be welcome back. She's saying she doesn't want that.

Well, are you being abused or aren't you? If I was being abused and a family member stepped in and said, "come on, I'll get you out of there," and the abuser said that I wouldn't be welcome back, I know I'd be thrilled! I told her I'd call DCYF if it was really bad, but every time I say that she gets all defensive that everything is fine.

One second she's claiming her mother is verbally and emotionally abusing her, the next she's claiming that her mother is being reasonable and that it's really not that bad and she can suck it up.

You're obviously seeking attention and making the situation sound worse than it is. I think DCYF and the mental hospital need to be called...