Status: ;D Lets take this one day at a time, shall we? xovictoria



A nice, short, blonde, blue eyed girl can’t do wrong. Unfortunately, that isn't me. Spiteful, tall, yellow-eyed, and a redhead, that’s me.

I stand in front of the mirror “Hey, I’m Ember. I’m 15…nice to meet you.”

I've always found comfort in remembering and repeating who I am. It reminds myself that I’m still sane. That’s the worst part, we all go insane at some point of our lives. It's random, and you can go slowly or just be hit with it unexpectedly. My case is a little different, though. You see, I’m half human..And have no idea if I’m going to go nuts or what. Great, isn't it?

“Let’s do this” I gave myself one last bit of confidence before hitting the door.

I didn't totally dress to impress but, hey, I’d rather be comfortable. It’s not like I’ll talk to anyone. Plus, I’m quite fond of these old black jeans of mine. My black double-breasted coat, with a high collar, and iPod are always a must. Hearing thoughts makes everyone’s life hell. Get this: I don’t want to know what you’re thinking!

I’m out the door and walking slowly to the car. I hate this damn ice, slippery unneeded shit. As I threw myself into the passenger seat I flipped the AC/HEAT dial to full heat and turned the key in the ignition. Not long after me being there, dad got into the drivers’ seat. Dad, a big hefty man, was a stranger. I've lived with him my whole life with us moving place to place and I have yet to really know the guy. I can count our ‘father-daughter moments’ on one hand. It’s not like he’s mean or strict or anything like that. He’s just not serious- at all. He’s carefree, too carefree. In other words, the complete opposite of me…

The air had just gotten to a reasonable temperature when he comes out with “What? You trying’ to give yourself a heat stroke?” and turned the dial back to blue, for cold.

Ten long minutes later we arrived at the school. It started immediately. Teenagers, I rolled my eyes. What a great start to a great day. A pale, six-foot girl with fire engine red hair stands out in a crowd. Safe-to-say, I received plenty of stares. I made it to my first class, English, right as the bell was ringing.
“Ah, miss,” the teacher looked down, “Emeray, is it?”

“Emery,” I corrected her.

“Well glad you could join us.”

“Net raise your hand, she’ll be your partner.”

At the back of the classroom a pale boy with jet black hair that fringed his piercing blue eyes raised his hand, not bad all. It was in the back of the classroom, so maybe it won’t be that bad. Oh, scratch that. Right in front of our table sat two cheerleaders. Their thoughts penetrated my mind already
Ew, gross. Is she wearing Halloween contacts? FREAK. At least Mrs. Ardy paired her with another freak. Who even is that kid?
They looked at each other and snickered. Whatever, I told myself, they don’t even know me. And quite frankly, I wouldn't really like them to. As I sat down ‘Net’ made his introduction which was just a simple hey. All I got in was a nod before Mrs.Ardy started on about Shakespeare or something. That’s another thing about us: we don’t need to ‘learn’. If we think a question we automatically get an answer. I effortlessly put my headphones in and started my song writing.

As soon as the teacher sat down I pulled out my head phones.

"Hey, I'm Em" I spoke to the guy sitting next me.

"Hey, I'm Neptune. Yeah, I know, strange. You can call me whatever.." he smirked. "What classes do you have?"

I pursed my lips trying to remember. I'd never not remembered anything...ever. It finally came to me: I have my schedule. I took it out and handed it to him. When the bell rang he gave back my schedule.

"We have the same classes," he shrugged and said "come on, I'll show you where it is."

He led the way through the halls leading me to the classroom. Along the way, he pulled me into a cleaning closet.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded feeling my foot hit a cleaning bucket.

"What are you? Siren? Demon?" he squinted looking at me in the dark.

"What are you talking about?" lying, I pretended to look disgusted. I'm a terrible liar, hopefully being the dark would help this. I guess it did.

Ha, ha. He tried pretend he was joking. Clearly showing that this wasn't a joke. Wide-eyed he nodded and walked out. I followed him down the hall and into the classroom.

Well, this was going to be an interesting year.
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Okay, finally my first chapter is out! You have no idea how long I've wanted to write this one. Feedback? Predictions? XD